The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

THE BOSTON 'SUNDAY GLOBE-MAY 12, 19'46 Forty-Seven FEMALE FEMALE FEMALE I FEMALE FEMALE FEMALE I FEMALE FEMALE Cambridge FEMALE ASSISTANT BUYER iiontiEN and GIRLS. For General Factory Work I ENROEER STRINGERS atetevio AND OPERATORS SDI'S 1 1 AND OPERATORS 1' SCHRAFFT SOLIS CORP, WA' WOMEN and GIRLS For General Factory Work ENROEER STRINGERS AND OPERATORS Y. F. SCHRAFFT SOLIS CORP. there's a future for-salespeople 1 there's opportunity all at Advancement good surroundings Jo' amiable personal supervision a future' for- salespeople opportunity all ivancement surroundings there's ere's opportunity all at dv Aancement good surroundings del' amiable personal supervision An interesting opening for a young woman with adequate experience as an assistant buyer or buyer rp in a smaller shop.

AAA. A A fewb Has light seated work for girls and women with skillful fingers and good eyesight for close work. Pleasant associates, in pleasant surroundings; no experience required. Wage increases as you learn. 11 "oil lerasurir st.L.

Jr'. 2.c. IDEAL TOOTH, Inc. 85 HAMILTON CAMBRIDGE tat II 1 1 1 (Take Granite Bus from Central Square) 1 Sullivan Squarer Charlestown 1 liana I GENERAL 8 ELECTRIC couNtER Gong. i I NEEDS CAN USE A FEW GIRLS i Salespeople 1 For Night Shift, Working 3 to 11 7 42 HOUR WEEK FOR SPORTSWEAR Seamstresses and fitters STARTING RATE 1 u7s41'1106rNeri Hour, OVERALLS Markers Waitresses Many G.

E. Employee Advantages APPLY AND PANTS 1, Bus girls EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Hawley High Wages, Steady Work Elevator operators 156 PORTER EAST BOSTON 88 St og Boton APPLY Apply Miss Doherty OD' LY HOOD'' I 51 CHARDON 7th floor I EAST BOSTON LAID WORKS i sum A corner Portland Boston 1 Employment Office 1 Sud7t my5 SuM i GENERAL ELECTRIC CAN USE A FEW GIRLS For Night Shift, Working 3 to 11 STARTING RATE Many G. E. Employee Advantages EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 156 PORTER ST. EAST BOSTON EAST BOSTON LAL1P WORKS 1 4 1 1111111111111111i.

Sullivan Squarer COLINTER GEL 42 HOUR WEEK APPLY 88 Hawley Boston FORMERLY HOOD'S I Charlestown SuM VISIT PERSONNEL OFFICE IDEAL TOOTH, Inc. 85 HAMILTON CAMBRIDGE (Take Granite Bus from Central Square) I Slithers FOR SPORTSWEAR OVERALLS AND PANTS High Wages, Steady Work APPLY 51 CHARDON -St. Corner Portland St. Boston tat liana NEEDS Salespeople Seamstresses and fitters Markers Waitresses Bus girls Elevator operators Apply Miss Doherty 7th floor Employment Office Sud7t my5 r.b. w- -411110d 1 MITA f'De LS LIGHT FACTORY WORK' Experience Not Essential Good Wages Overtime Music Rest Periods KNIGHT LEATHER PRODUCTS INC, 712 Beacon Boston Near Kenmore Sq.

Girl for General Office Work Good penman. rapid and accurate at figureS; 5-day 40-hour week. Apply 30 GARRISON BOSTON PERIODICAL OFFICE ASSISTAHT BOOKKEEPER Capable of typing, for shoe factory office. Good ovportunity for advancement. Al R.

Hyde Sons Co. PLASTICS GIRLS LAretm Pasant nt Work 5-day week, good pay. NORTHEASTERN PLASTICS 588 Commonwealth Boston I 41111111MEMOMINE01111111111111111111 SODA GIRLS Good PAY. Steady. Permanent Work.

Meals and Uniforms Furnished. ST. CLAMS BOSTON 144 FEDERAL STREET Sud3t ny12 Factory Beacon Business Agency 6 BEACON ST. Experienced publicity agent for fund-raising campaign until middle of 1947. S50-S60.

Unusual opportunity for experienced secretary-stenographer in executive office of investment house, sa lary arra need. Secretary-stenogranher for one-man office downtown. 5 dam $30- S35. Secretary-stenographer for small office. variety of duties.

5 days. salarY arranged. Temporary full-charge bookkeeper for club vicinity Buzzards Bay. June 1 to September 30. resident.

$35 plus room and board. Assistant bookkeeper to operate bookkeeping machine; will train: $30. Typist to handle inventory detail. write own letters. shorthand helpful.

$30. Clerk-typist for public accountant's office downtown. $25. EXPO 't CLERK Billing experience and knowledge of Spanish GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO Billing experience and knowledge of Spanish i't 3ILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO: South Boston l' 1 Min. from Broadway Tun.

SUM -I LOCKWOOD VOCATIONAL SERVICE INCORPORATED 120 TREMONT STREET LOCKWOOD VOCATIONAL SERVICE INCORPORATED 120 TREMONT STREET Secretary. technical background for Industrial consultant. excellent salary: secretary with flair for writing. trade magazine: secretary for treasurer. mathematically Inclined; secretary for importer.

unusual salary; several calls for financial and legal secretaries; young stenographer for advertising: stenographer for travel btueaut clerical positions in radio. cosmetics. advertising. banks and industry: full charge and assistant bookkeepers. receptionists and hostesses: machine operators and switchboard operators; many other calls in a variety of caoacities.

COOK For New Hampshire semi-rirlvate vacation lodge from June 15th through Labor Day. Ideal working conditions. All-gas kitchen. Must be good on pastry. No order cooking.

Dining room seats forty. WRITE 165, GLOBE STENOGRAPHER General offiee experience. rtees ant working conditions. Good pay. BANCROFT MUM COMPANY 330 Summer SW Lib.

6806 suT my12 CURTAIN OPERATORS WEEK Don't wreck your nerves bY working In a large. noisy. nerve-wracking shop! We otter a healthy. sunny atmosphere and good pay for 39 hours. TRIMOUNT CURTAIN Co.

132 Essex St, Boston. Mass. V. BAKERY SALESGIRLS And assistant managers, alternating shifts, 8 A. M.

to 5 P. M. and 10:30 A. M. to 7:30 P.

M. Phone MRS. DUNBAR, STADIUM 4428 GIRLS and WOMEN For counting. sorting and packaging postage stamps. Pleasant office, convenient location.

40-hour week. Good opportunity for advancement. 118 to start. H. E.

HARRIS 1014 Mass. Ave. (Over Mass. Sta.) You will enjoy working with us Capable SALESGIRLS to become store managers: earnings CM Per week and higher. based on salary and commissions.

(ilk Is with spirit and Energy will do well with int, Apply GOLDEN BELL CLEANSERS 22 Eastern Malden, Mese, Tel. Malden 2909 StIM WANTED-GIRL For general work In small candy factory, experience preferred; steady employment and pleasant working conditions. Apply to Personnel office, 558 Washington Boston. ThF Su my9 TYPISTS AND file clerk's openings available; 40-hour week; pleasant surroundings. PHILLIPS CARD COMPANY.

50 Hunt near Newton Corner; Wat. 6060. WSu my8 CAPABLE TYPIST organization. 40-hr. week.

permanency of employment, 3-week vacations after first year. reply must state experience, Bala ry $30. 134, Globe office. WhSu my8 SECRETARY ACCURATE stenographer. good hrs.

and working conditions. legal expe rience desirable but not essential. Lat. 0013. 3 NIGHT CLEANERS WHITE.

highest pay. 5 to 11 p. Saturdays 1:30 to 7:30 p. no Sundays. APPIY Superintendent.

40 Broad st Boston. ALL AROUND BEAUTY OPERATOR FOR Hyannis shop, alse, for sub urban shop. Apply ROBERT 11 NewburY Boston; Ken. 7707. SuM FLOOR GIRLS FOR dress factory.

experience un necessary. SHIRLEY fie FINER. 68 Essex Boston. th fir. Sud3t myI2 NURSES nRdcliAliza REGISTRY.

683 Columbia Dor. MOVING? For lowest orices call Sou. 3194: Kruger'. Su4t myo 1221944 EXPOT 1, 4,0 I. Logi, I Situations Wanted (Male) ADVERTISING' SELLING rdossImagination---ravergY arid dcstre to girt things don't bolus oursived through nearly' 11 gears Pt Army service.

01 mice backgroundwith copy sod creative stork IdessImaginatienriteritv and dentre to get things don, survived through nearly-11 Years ot Army service. A sales barkgroundorith envy and creative work incirlied-makes this mature resist mati of asset to some progressive oltirern Ike Boston 'chit can offer (sod intgie future. Back ad includes oni knowledge new magas 11101m direct mail. dealer campaigns. production.

Ghbbe dic PART TIME POSITION WANTED Ambitioua young man desires a evening POS1 liOn to hell foe schooling and inciderist Am not seeking a on a creditable posii.on of retponsi-. tolity. Have extensive egrerience the mechanical trades. tleA, ars ani drafting and at preen emr.103.40, as an instrument rnaKer. Ai', 3--to served as hobbycrafis and have.

at one time or another. done almost anythingfrom apples to working in a zoo. WouA be interested in Instruntent or chine assembly- caillorcri T.1.4PS and service. photography. retair work.

clerical work or what hay" you. Nature of the work is portant but am anitiOUS for sponsIbility and a reasonWe Wag'No Address all infOrmation US Globe ofnce. PART TIME ADVERTISING MAN Itere's-art Meal set uts tor frms who do not reutstra thiteervIcol ot a full time Ads'. hut do want their rlanneit (-MANI in a manner Ill layout yeur Adv. write your cope.

pee that Its opr inted. Belo YOU vow ea lea PrtSfri. Se a. ales lelle.m pkg. nan.

oo-mt of pale tinlays. chreet mail nieces. art work. etc. In other words.

youll have a ton flight. creative alv rtgr. who'll take a perscnal trerest in your I trrn St product. 114. Glesho ELECTRICAL ENGINEER VET.

graduate e-elneer. 25 lenced in new SHE' and VHF link eouipment. is looking tor nection in engineering and dcreioPe Ment taork reoliiring electronic, harkennd. Seeking Permanent. promising position which traY be professional work or fa I eq yecr ing knowledge of electronics.

In turn for which can give experience. hard work. cti'gerces and conscientotisne. High Type Executive ONE acciilomect to eu responsibility: Adm. rrianufw-turir sales credltssertising 'coordinate internal ration.

2O years experience. oPPor. with rep. firm. ft 140.

TSuTo tryl) Maintenance Mechanic 15 YR5. Insetting repair anll fabrication. blueprints. work. hien pres.ure and alicy ma.

electric and acetylene. ge anywhere. best of references. Globe Suti, 4t 5 SHIPPER Recently discharged wet. 34.

rearneelL yra, desiros onsiuce: quallty its traffic MAnater. Et 144. Globe rtvt2 STEWARD Veteran 'with Il1a4 eaverterte flew Etre atenard's wttn ree-u. tabie hotel or chit, Aatlattat Inure. ntalety.

Itta tro're SAFETY COMPLETE safer rrocrart set 1.9 and Out )oil or oArt 127. Globe cfFee .010 Road Sates Job Wanted BY pleasant frOurit mart. 14 yeas road salea experience test refer-. ences Ginbe SALESM4N. experienced food ucts.

wholeaie and retail Out New England. desires with estahlisred enciniza efort. ti4tip own car. 214. Giobe SALESMAN with car.

14 sri. aiTra club manager and l'n'tri tom ATI. Curt. al dSurt Mt) ij TWO 17-year-n4 boss work On farm in Novi h4.rn Newt, Writ. I'my tel.

Erd ril11111-CLAS--Zi ere -ter. wit-1 esr-ve tit-newt. Ale 9444 VET. 3 years iin Planning on Mechanical a.ta--) motion anotritig. work -VJC D1 t-P on 01' and progreas.xe beri-cri ably.

with naticmal Coro. related work. irci tima Address VERTICAL ptthert- Al man. want part-time work evee, rungs. 11 122.

Giobe ert.ce. VETERAN tiO4 110 et pis fa ins on It call 4471 S. ek rns 'ET wan? pvellines as, mart. re'ler hoto nr sets. O.

Box 232. Vest Acton. woRK wanted by young mon with wife and 1 chi rt PrittalP "We'. expert. reel ss.91 animals.

vegetables and COu'rr dens. also dryers gre4 0 85. Glche rel'c WANT any kind of siccrit 1 or -2 evenings a week. ago 42. Partitert graduate.

law school aract.rate. Iawo my own car a use if recirs-sa--y. 93. Globe ofice. WEEDER---Gas electrIc 15 see-s experience.

includes 4 years' pervvior In la eintnie matrtenance and 25. 6,4.47 YOUR New Hampshire estate reedit me Familiar with cartitakma gardening. poultry. Coliege tralnedMust he permanent; Irvine accor4- modations. Marriott sober.

54 CletiendPbie- Referencets. Saliew open. It will Par sou to talk w-th me! Earle S. Wallace. 13 Su-urier et Concord.

New Hampshire. T. YOUNG man desire-, Job in once. writ washing r-aachine benefice. 71.

Globe ofrce. dS.u4t rry1I' 1946 CAR- asset to any 12 yrs. sales gius 3 yr. executive catiacity. age 34 inarr7ed.

have 1946 car. WrIte 171. Giciser office. s. Situations Wanted (Female) A reeson or young chtid.

whtle rtiirrit People work or would care tot hor-e of businelis 104a ars North Shore tor Summer. or manent; reliable Am- Prot- sae avatlable in June. 2' 124. G7.0ber office. A CAPABLE mother and son.

14 desire work together; take any positirm in household: boy will help on grounds: perrnanert Do-: sition desired; references: wa gri anywhere. 86. Globe iiffice. Su.2t otYS desires perfoIrving quarters and salary fcrherself. boy 15.

IllelP On- grOirteM; girl 14 capable with chtloren return for hcht housework. Ccun-ri preferred. 260- Globe. A MIDDLE-AGE widow. Protestset lady.

wishes position. honseireesser for small adut family or gentleman; near Boston. 13 174. Glbe. SzMl co*ck.

best adult will go anywhere. NV 126. GLObe office. A YOUNG Vt. cook.

gen countrY; rurse. 1-1ousekeeper. ClorINN-S. Can. 3415.

BABY sirrER. will take care -of children day or eve. 90. CONSCIENTIOUS young wormers- -40r housekeening or care of the or both. American arhilts.

35-TrTre 31.1E. 16 Adella West Newton. CAPABLE middle-are lady 1.1 good habits desires log for 1 adult. 270.Gictie. COOKall 'round.

capable. tag, charge thotel or Inn'. counfry or sea shore. Tel. Corn.

1251 wirer 3 COMP750-51rrrkor- eraten- cored. nesires part tIme work. a 37. Globe office. COLLEGE grad wants resdent Pell- I 'ctn.

12 years WC, ex- crllrt cook will opt sneils and serve toe Priv. fa--- ily -Mon. throne's Friday. Art. 2227-M after June 1.

txrF l'IENr-ED GIRL with would holis.thold MPS -16-NE BLYTHE'S AGENCY. Pig. 7236. a desires-3 ria-6- work Per pref. sac.

COP ielr gd. a 91. 'Glebe office. Sullffi 1401.7SEKEFER--For elderly man. --dr moiler-1es borne.

Arnerirran womilagrof refinement. esperencei2 anirwhere. 35. Glrone. HOU-SEX EEPER-37 pears.

Prot- e- guise work in motherless homer 2-1 esrverience; very' dren. 53. Globe office. li 101.73EK -Al -cook. In sent 9 borne.

likes ,352 Globe office. HOUSFKEEPER. neat anl capa. nes. In small adult (7 Girn nmee HMI? SCHOOL wes Summer work.

251. Gzerik not car. music. trim, rrrrn. 3f.59 or write 97.

Gleil5e citFoo WAnt. curtains. done at home i Teas. Gar. Su Et LAB TECHNICIAN.

four year Perience. desires pot Call At 0424- WhSu MAN AND MITE. coolt end exp. C1 I. 0754-B.

I Women and Girls For Day or Night Work GOOD WAGES MEALS INCLUDED APPLY HAYES-BICKFORD LUNCH SYSTEM EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1040 Boylston Street Oppose Mass. Station Days 8 A. M. to Nishts II P. M.

SuM LAUNDRY Finisher for Body Clothes. To Wages. MEDFORD LAUNDRY 162 Mystic Medford ThE'Su my9 GIRL FOR General Office Work That enjoys figuring, with a knowledge of typing. APPLY NEW ENGLAND OVERALL CO. 141 Kingston St.

ThfSuM YnY9 BRIGHT GIRL wanted for mailing department of publishing house in pleasant office with two other girls. Must know typing. Five-day week. Apply to GINN AND COMPANY STATLER OFFICE BUILDING BOSTON SuM BILLING-TYPIST Petroleum Heal Power Co. has immediate openings in their Cambridge and Itoston offices.

Interviews taken bY MR. FRENCH 419 Boylston Boston Sud3t MY12 "1 SALESLADY As Assistant to Owner of retail store sellinr Sra and slipcover materials; Derma- nent position. Apply 429 ston St, Boston. Stenographer-Dictaphone OPERATOR SERVICE CASTER AND TRUCKS DIVISION 440 SOMERVILLE AVE. Somerset 3025 dSu4t myll FILE CLERK For administrative office of art advertising agency.

some knowledge of correspondence and switchboard operation desirable. Excellent environment. 40- hour week and 2 Saturdays off in every S. See MISS GREENOUGH. 5th floor.


Cor. NorthamgroLtitNINSt. my 12 SecretaryBookkeeper To TAKE complete charge of 2-girl office. near North Station. Must have initiative and ability.

Position is permanent. 5-day week. SalarY 235-S40 week. Call Cap. 8062 or Mel.

4452. Multigraph Operators EXPERIENCED in running letters. or setting type. or both, full or part time. good pay, pleasant working conditions.

ALDEN-HAUX, 143 High Boston. SuT my12 SOLICITOR EXPERIENCED house-to-house. ad. salary. easy work.

Call 212 Essex suite 442. opt). South Station, 9-12 a. m. STENOGRAPHER 512 DAYS, permanent position, sal ary arranged.

NEW ENGLAND DOLL St NOVELTY 174 Wash ington Boston. ciStat m3r10 GIRLS OVER 16. for light. clean factory work, conveniently located at South Station Subway. THE DUNLEAVY 5th R.

15 Hathaway Boston. WOMEN NEEDING extra money: we supply work to be done at your home at your convenience. excellent earnings. Write 399. Globe office.

GIRLS AND WOMEN LIGHT work In email shop, good pay with overtime. Apply at Once. SYLON. 535 Albany Boston. Sud7t rny12 STENOGRAPHER SALES office building material in Malden.

5-day week. Ealary $35. Write fuliqualifications 100. Globe. Boys' SUPERVISOR FOR Jewish children's home.

Sta. 5827. Building Cleaner HOURS. 5-10 15. m.

30-hour week. Apply 10 HI Ihy BOOKKEPER rxrERIE'NCED SHOE. full time. Liberty 5667. WANTED--Girl for general office work; typing.

shorthand and copying. Apply any morning 10 to 12 see MR. GENE STAFFORD. Publicity Tel-A-Vix Recording Studios. 216 Tremont Boston.

dSu3t rnyll WE PAY 625 for selling 50 boxes of beautiful All Occasion cards; each box sells for $LOG. your Profit 50c. Write for samples; it costs nothing to try. CHEERFUL CARD 12Y. White Plains.

N. Y. SuW my12 WOMAN wanted to care for walking boY by man and wife. no cooking, on farm; curiosity seekers don't write; send stamp or better come ready to work. MERRILL.

143 Littleton Chelmsford. Mass. WANTED Experienced telephone cleansing solicitors for reputable cleansing house. CHAMPION CLEANSERS. 850 Blue Hilt Dorchester.

WANTEDGirl for office work, some knowledge of stenography and bookkeeping; $30 for 5-day week. 8585. dSu4t my 1 1 WANTEDCciok and helper for email camp for youns children. White Mountains. Address 22.

Globe office. SSu WAITRESS wanted. good pay. steady work. 174 Broadway.

Chelsea; tel. Che. 1375. dSu3t MY 10 WANTEDMiddle-aged couple or veteran to manage lodging house. call Lat.

0242. 11Su my10 WANTED-4 stenographers. 35-hour week. $30, part time. 'ALICE DARLING'S, Harvard se forrtight duties Ira Ken.

0394.. FEMALE 11 -a-ntbu my9 A I I 1 HOUSEHOLD HELP GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED. to amidst mother in housework and care of school ago child; own room, with one day and two nights oft. Col. 2925.

S225 COUPLE wanted. man butler and general inside work. wife cook: remodeled farmhouse. 20 miles from Boston; excellent working conditions; sitting room. radio; good references required; veteran preferred.

Address 18. Globe office. SSu GENERAL MAID EXCELLENT wages. own room and radio. small family.

Call Big. 1102. ThFSti ITLY 9 COOK ALL AROUND cook for small summer Inn serving maximum 24 persons. June 15 to Sept. 15.

CUM cod. WriteS 89. Globe office. WAITRESS FOR North Shore. experienced wtth reference.

Plume Sunday or Mendag after 5. Ken. 1398. -Su COOlt AND SERVE NO other housework: high wages; hve Jri. Call Cunningham 0422.

tiSu3t m3'10 Cook and Chambermaid EXPERIENCED; Brookline now. Marblehead later. Asp. 5220 between 4-6 P. in.

dSu3t my10 635Cooking. Arst floor. until July. family of 5. Wel.

0983. Sud3t 1113,12 Situations 1Vanted (Male) ATTENTION BUILDERS COLLEGE graduate with technicat education and 10 years perience in house design as architect would like to work Outside on the job with a reputable builder who anoreciatey good SUM and construction. exPertenced in carpentry. young. married and willing to go anywhere in New England.

113. Globe. Restaurant Manager Married man. 38 years (Protestant). desires connection.

smaller city preferred: executive position held includes food purchasing. production. and supervision: accustomed to full responsibility: association and location more important 130. Globe. PURCHASING AGENT WM-I experience in purchasing sun-plies and materials for M.

B. electronic and radar enuipment pre-cotton instruments. I tanks and foundry brow. and slummum 310. Globe.

INTERNAL AUDITOR 20 Yrs. eXII in intern. and auditing; all phases of ace. mi. problenui.

taxes. Seek Position wan future in Industry. 140. Globe. CARETAKER Married man wishes position as rare-.

taker. beA so anywnere. AO. Globe Office. Al CHEF with crews.

19 yrs. hobeL night club and largest restaurant. Just returned from Florida. references excellent. my nationality Pine American citizen.

will go where. Call Call Parkway 0654-3 or write L. E. PHIONES. 18 Farquhar RottlindaleMass.

ACCOUNTANT--Thoroughly experienced. available at once. Call Laf. 8183 Sun. 1-3; Mon.

9-12. ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEPER Typist iAvallable now. Globe office. -IA PASTRY cook wants position country. only 48 bra.

week. 52. Globe attire. Sud3t mY12 ACCOUNTANT desires position with simmer resort. 140.

Globe. A-1 BEG. Phermactst. 30 years' desires pomtion. 141.

Globe. BAKER. 1st Cla 4 Yrs. old. wants work in hotel.

hospital or restaurant work. reasonable. good reL 70. Globe office. BAKER.

pastry cook. Al knowledge on everything, take charge. Write WILLIAM sotTAAr. 3 Hill Partsmouth. N.

H. IrSit mY10 BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Cashier wants evening work. 13 174. Globe. COST accountant.

age 47. desires opportunity with a medium-sized manufacturing' concern; presentation of departmental Coat reports at Standard versus Actual; cacable of setting nP system the accumulation of the necessary information; salary reasonahle. 195. Globe. COUPLE, husband.

med. student with ability to instruct in physical education. crafts and horsemanship; wife. R. desires work in summer camp.

Write E. IL 'DUSTIN. 380 Columbus ay. elSu7t InYi CHEF wants position for American plan hotel or club. state wages and conditions.

322. Globe. CHEF and all-round in pastry. Pies and rolls: sober. able to take charge: diner or rest.

12a. Glebe. CHEF desires part-time work. Call Sta. 5026 before a a.

m. tor after COOKGood reliable man needs job. 45, Globe. DYERDesires position. familiar with piece and wool raw stock.

Write 238. Globe office. ciSu3t. my10 DRUGGIST. older Woe.

wants 3 or 4 days wk. 205. Globe office. DRUGGIST. 33 yrs.

wants suitable position. NV 134. Globe. EXPERIENCED electrician's helper desires work in electrical field. Write to EDWLN J.

HARRINGTON. 172. Globe. ENGINEERING draftsman. cal.

desires Position with aggressive firm. 357. Globe office. EXPERIENCED registered -pharmacist, college graduate. prefers day work.

Call Monday Longwood 0689. ENGINEER. 2d class, laundry. hospital. hotel experience.

Gar. GARDENER-bouseman. general egla. single. sober.

all around. age 45; best of refs. 55. Globe office. GARDENER.

general man. caretaker wants job. with cottage 222. Globe. ilOUSEWORK wanted by veteran; specialize in Spring cleaning: ref.

Write O. R. JENKINS. Apt. In- 235 Shawrnut ay.

SStis HANDYMANWash walls. windows. floors Se wax. clean yards. lawns.

int. painting. work Tal. 7271. my12 HAIRDRESSER.

years stylist. wishing position. 'rel. Lat. 9362.

LIC. electrician and 3rd ens. wants Summer hotel job. 349. Globe office.

d5u6t rnY7 -MANCT-A-CTCRER'S representstive available. age 23. desires Boston territory. 7 years' sales experience, 4 years manufacturing. 98.

Globe office. millwright. machinist. 16 yrs. experience.

capable. reliable. desires permanent position. Braintree 0335-W. dSu3t my10 MAN wants job truck driving.

or part time chauffeur: or taking care of lawn. Call or vnite-19 Oak West Newton. rihnneBria 7375. MAN wifii 25 yrs. experience in hardware wants work 107.

Globe office. MALE secretary-steuographer. asst bookkeeper. clerk. good experience.

Needham 0671-NI. SSu MAN with sedan wants work. Call WARREN at Charlestown 0939. MAN wants light chore work. ternPerate.

country pref. 62. Globe. MAN to do housework by the day or hour. Big.

2387. SuM NEED-IRELP this Summer? Personable college 24, will exchange Part-time work (vie. 18 hrs. weck) for room and board; likes children; attending part-time Boston school. 124.

Globe office. ESu my10 ORGANIST. director. many gears' experience. wishes to snake change: available July.

Greater Boston nigconsidered. 68. Globe office. PAINTER. licensed man, wants maintenance work.

experienced in both interior and exterior work. strictly en sober. Call G. 2878. WSU.

MYR PAINTER-wants work. Interior. all kinds. also Stlining. varnishing.

matching. etc. top pay' required. 125. Globe Alm PAINTER.

Paperhanger wants work. all-round. past middle age. prefer apt. or property.

90c per hour. 83. Globe office. REG. druggist want part time position; Boston or immediate vicinitY 461.

Globe office. Vb'Su my8 man wants position. 3-4 days a week. exp hosoltal or restaurant, etc 145. Globe.

ROOFING of all kinds. new or repaire4; chimneys. Prospect Su3t my12 REGISTERED Pharmacist relict work. 56. Globe office.

REG. PITARM. start time. veninss 3614 Globe. Chandler's Tremont and West Streets SALESPEOPLE CLERICALS Apply Employment lOth Floor Sud2Ot my12 EU HAIRDRESSER GOOD wages and hrs.iafternonts oft a week.

HUB BEAUTY SALON. 261 Huntington near Symphony Hall PRESSER DRESSES. skirts. sweaters. foil or Noll time.

good working conditions. IilCflhL CLEANERS. Ityd. 0:180. HOUSEHOLD HELP COOK FOR Marblehead Neck.

competent and with relerences. 2 in family. other maids. Call Ken. 1398 bun-day or Monday after 5 p.

in. SSu CHAMBERMAID 2 ADULTS. Marblehead Neck. experienced with references. Phone Sunday or Monday after 8 p.

Ken. 1398. SSu A COOK. general adult family. no laundry, no Sunday, 635-640; cook hskor.

bus. adults. $35; gen. maid. bus.

couple, eves. free. 635; girl or middle-aged woman assist light household duties. no cooking. own rm.

630; cook. small nurse maids. local. beach. CIO; couple.

MRS. QUINN. 293 Wash. Boston. A RELIABLE woman to assistdoctor, mother with care of small apt.

and 2 young daughters. live in. $30 to the right person. Arm 6569. WrSu mY8 A GENERAL maid.

your own room and radio. in 7-room apartment, congenial with children good wages. Phone Sta. 3515. A GOOD HOME for middle-aged fre housekeeper in apt.

of 2 eldweorry lath ea, s. phone for particulars. Asp. 0391. A GEN.

maid for attractive home in Newton. 2 children. own room and bath. $30 weekly. Las.

5605. P'Su rny 10 IA MOTHER'S helper. pleasant cur- roundings. goOd pay. bye in or out Eve.

2507. A GENERAL MAID. iSti-day week. 10-6. S25 and carfare reterences.

Bigelow 49116. A MOTHER'S -helper. own good salary. MRS. CILLER.

75 Pleas- ant Woburn 0012. dSu7t my10 A WOMAN for part time ho-u-sework. a days a week. Arl. 5728.

SuT mY12 AGENCYPart-time. day work. live in or out. 108 Dudley Box. WSu9t myl BABY'S nurse or mothers helper; commute or live in; part Of full time: pick up accommodations from street car.

APPLY W. ABRAMS. Las. 7562. dStAt in.vit COOK for Walpole.

N. 2nd maid employed; nice room and bath; adult lamtly. Call Corn. 8968. eves.

dSu3t MY10 FOR cooking and housework; Summers on coast of Maine. Winters Boston; woman alone or with daughter as helper. Cap. 8333. dSu5t rny9 GENERAL or mother's helper.

for pleasant nosition in Cohasset. near beaches. good salary, own room and bath. Write Box 123. Cohasset or phone collect 0445-51.

GIRL or woman. tinder 50. to assist with general housework. smell rest home In Dorcheater. Col.

8189. SuW mY12 GENERAL. housework. 2 or days a week. APPIY ErTENBERG.

37 John or call Chelsea 2353. GENERAL. MAID. home evenings. apartment near take St.

Boston College. Bigelow 1013. GENERAL maid to live in. own room and bath; salary 123. End.

7072. eiSti3t my10 HOUSEKEEPER wanted. family 3 adults. a chiMren. in Concord.

exe. trans. facilities. bus or R.R. good wages.

refs. Write 314. Globe or call Tr. 4814. dSu6t priy7 HOME and salary for interesting work.

woman cooking and first floor; man. ueneral. on private estate: rim accomodate child over 12. Cali Waltham 4322. HOUSEKEEPER.

2 adults. care far elderly gentleman and home; daughter goes to businesS; references. 335. Globe. HOUSEKEEPER wanted.

live in; references required. Write 252. Globe office. SSu HOUSEKEEPER companion for 2 elderly ladies: room. board and salary; in Jewish home.

Che. 1101. etSu7t my10 HOUSEKEEPER and home maker for father and 3 children. school age; Protestant home. 164.

Globe. -HOUSEKEEPERCall at 18 Leon or phone Gar. 2149. $15 Per wk. SSu suburbs.

$20; man. 2 grown sons; state age. ref. 118. Globe.

WSu my8 MAID to do chamber work, in guest house. for 2 weeks only. May 13 through MaY 25. Phone Par. 6424-R.

SSu MIDDLE-AGED woman. desiring good home. to help in home of 2 adults. 77. Globe MIDDLE-AGED woma5Ato assist in care of chronic invait good home and wages.

Call Mont ri4639-m. MAIDfOr small rest home. $iti. Call Ocean 1212. Thbu myll NURSF white.

experienced. care of 2 children. a and 4. other help in family. to go to Cape Cod for Summer.

good wages. tel. Tro. 8878 after Tuesday. May 14.

NURSEMAID to care for gl-7rTir. and 4. JULY and August. Summer home in Maine. colored preferred or mother with small child.

Call Wellesley 3954. 7111Sn MY9 OPPORTUNITY for mother with teen age daughter. fond of children. beach front home in Cohasset private quarters; housework and care of 3 small children. 1 day off.

some evenings. no Sundays. hours 7 a. m. to 6:30 p.

in. with afternoons on beach. Permanent position. open in June. $20 to start (2 women at $15 each considered).

Cohasset 0750. SuM RELIABLE woman to do flow part time housework. small modern home; good nay. Apply 1 Bainbridge Malden. or phone Mal.

7963. dSu3t my10 WOMAN to cook and serve dinner for 4 adults. 4 limes a week. or general maid. 514 ClaYS a week290 Commonwealth telephone Monday: Corn.

1292. WANTEDA waitress and a chambermaid. family of 2 adults. 9 months in Boston. Back Bay.

3 months in country; refs. required. Tel. Corn. 2938.

dSu3t my10 WANTEDAn exPerienced parlormaid-waitress for the countrY1 family of 4. Reply by letter to MRS. RIICHARD SALTONSTALL. Sher-born. Mass.

dSu3t my10 WANTEDSecond maid. white. Chestnut Bill and Nantucket: excellent waves. Reply. giving references.

278. Globe oflice. ESuT rny10 WANTEDWoman at once. work. good home.

Apply in person at once. 251 Middlesex North Wilmington. Mass. WANTEDMother and daughter. for general work: Osterville on the Cape; June 1-October It references required.

Call Corn. 2480. WANTEDReliable. middle-aged housekeeper for Wellesley family and Cape Cod in Summer. Write 5319.

Globe office. WOMAN wanted to care for invalid. to live in, Pleasant home. good salary. Call Mal.

4982 or Newbury-port 1610. WANTEDDependable housekeeper for 1 lady. good salary. liberal time off: ref. required.

Write 5 482. Globe office. WANTEDParlor maid-waitress and chambemtaid. private family. Marblehead.

Mass. Phone Corn. 5249 between 7 and 9 it. m. dSu3t triy10 WANTEDExp.

chambermaid. white or colored. 9-2 daily. Apply in person. 517 Beacon Boston.

dSu-it Stenographer Living near Arlington CALL 1410 STEADY WORK Executive housekeeper; tartest clinic assistants: ward helpers and maids; floor servers: laundry workers; eounter sir's. APO, PERSONNEL OFFICE MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL Fruit Boston Sudfit mY12 STITCH ERS I AttentionExcellent opportunity In rainwear mist. concern for experienced stitcher, button and buttonhole operators; good working conditions. Apply SHELDON 5IFG.

CO. 450 Harrison Boseon or call LIB. 3209 Highest Wages Paid FANCY STITCHERS AND PUMP STITCHERS APPLY JERRY SHOE MFO. Inc. Rear 210 Summer Boston Opposite South Station NEEDS Manicurist for Wellesley store Apply Miss Doherty Employment Office 7th floor, Boston Store SIAM mY5 HOTEL BRAEL1ORE 466 Commonwealth Ave.

Heeds Chambermaids Apply Mrs. Chase Thsu Triv9 3 Girls For clean linen inspection. GORDON SUPPLY CO. 60 Aberdeen Cambridge Apply Supply Mr. Gardiner EXPERIENCED STAYERS STRIPPERS And Young Girls to Learn GOOD PAY AND OVERTIME Pleasant Working Conditions Paris Paper Box Co.

.1018 Moss. Boston MOIIERS Good pay. Steady work. Amoskeag Pajama Co. 65 Bedford Boston 1 Burroughs Typewriter Bookkeeping Machine Operator It-Day Week.

Salary A 4 Call Miss O'Neil. Lib. 8284 Mk-Su MY 9 Dookkkeper-Typist Permanent openinwavailable for reliable. capable gal. age 25-35, for general office work.

Must have knowledle of bookkeeping and typing. position offers interesting. responsible and varied taska. Good 118i41Y Apply Kruger Furniture 725 Last Broadway. South Boston 3194.

COUNTER GIRL 42-HOUR "WEEK Apple 658 'CENTRE ST1 JAMAICA PLAIN suM CHAMBERMAIDS BATH MAIDS Permanent Good Working Conditions Apply to Housekeeper PARKER HOUSE LAUNDRY HELP WANTED FEEDERS, shakers. folders. shirt fin ishers and shirt press operators. BOSTON HOME LINEN. 21 Clapp Dorchester; Gen.

4100. SuM BINDERY GIRLS EXPERIENCED bindery workers wanted. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN RIVERSIDE PRESS 810 Memorial Drive. Cambridge LAUNDRY HELP EXPERIENCED shirt operators and finishers. 1540 for 40 hours.

no Saturday work; come ready to work. WONDER DRY CLEANERS. 152 Galen Watertown 9734. TYPIST PUBLIC accounting firm. financial statement and report work.

excellent onnprtunity, write giving age. experience. etc. Address 324. Globe.

Experienced Salesgirl FULL or part time, to sell fine Jewelry, excellent salary and commission. Apply between 9 and 1. MISS CONNOLLY, 3d 11., 480 Washington SuWSu my12 FORELADY ON rnen's neckwear good. steady Job. old-established firm.

FASHION NECKWEAR 13 Harvard Boston. SuM GIRLS WANTED LIGHT WORK. good pay, experienced not necessary. UNIVERSAL COUNTER 41 Bristol st. Lib.

5318. ISu3t my10 STITCH'ERS and flEMMERS ON men 's neckwear. also beginners: good pay. steady work. FASHION NECKWEAR 13 Harvard Boston.

SuM Graduate Nurses 2 FOR general night duty, hospital of 90 beds, near Boston. Write 62. Globe office. dSu4t my9 DRESS SALESWOMAN WANTED GOOD pay, 3 weeks' vacation. good opportunity.

Apply BOYLE Central Cambridge; Tro. 3712. SKIVER WANTED THE MONARCH SHOE 16D Bridge Cambridge (Lecnmere SQ.) POSTING CLERK MUST be neat and accurate at figures. Apply MR. McSWEENEY, 87 Summer Boston.

2d floor. STENOGRAPHER LAW OFFICE: must be ezneriencecl. 357. Globe office. k'SuM my10 CHAMBERMAIDS and HOUSEMAID APPLY Housekeeper.

Hotel Essex. dSu31t Iran Hairdresser ESti mY10 WOMAN for general kitchen work at girls' Summer camp in Maine. 316. Globe office. Su4t my5 WANTEDTelephone over.

for small switchboard, hours from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. 117.

Globe. WANTEDExperienced waitresses. Artily JIM'S PLACE. 30 Dunster Cambridge. dSu3t MY11 WANTEDBookkeeper, some typing; shorthand not essential.

630 er week. Lib, 0513. SSu A TEDA cook. MRS. ELLIOTT C.

CUTLER. 61 Heath Brook- line; phone bet. 5 and 6. Lon 5311. dSu3t my10 WANTED hospital attendant; clay duty; attractive salary.

Write 206. Globe office. dSu4t my9 long season. 2 waitresses. cake pastrY cook.

Write MITCHELL'S INN. Bridgton. Me. WANTEM-trWoman to Tivork in drug etore an indW fouritalni I vstsfaisa BUYER OF GLOVES LEATHER GOODS Position open with New Hampshire's largest department store. Should have experience of assistant buyer or better.

Excellent opportunity for qualified applicant. Give complete back. ground, connections, earnings, and Performance. MR. BRODIE, LEAVITT Manchester, N.

H. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Preferably with posting machine experience, steady and permanent position in Allston. Write In full exPerienco and references. Address 20, Globe office STITCHERS Steady work, good pay. Insurance, vacation with vaY, Dieu-ant working conditions.

Hy Grade Clothing Co. B60 Harrison Boston union Park Church TWThSu my7 Secretary-Stenographer Young lady with experience. who is competent to take rapid dictation. Must have pleasant personality. In answering, please state age, experience, salary desired.

and how soon Available. ICI. Globe office. STITCHERS Experienced and Inexperienced ALSO GIRLS FOR HANDWORK Steady Work, Good PSY GLOBE, KNITTING, MILLS 675 ALBANY BOSTON SuM HARD SEWERS For light sewing brassierest steady piece work. Revelation Bra Co.

470 Atlantie Ilth Floor Banton. blear South Station COOK AND ACCOMMODATORS Permanent Jobs for experienced cooks, able to take over at once on a live-in basis. Attractive private Quarters and pleasant working conditions. dators for housework mornings. Ap ply bursar.

PERKINS INSTITUTION 175 North Beacon Watertown. WSSu mv8 Stenographer Wanted Knowledge of shorthand and typing. Interesting position in factory office; b-day week, salary arranged. Aldrich Shoe Co. .144 High St, Boston Sud3t rny12 SECRETARY Buyer's office.

requiring some administrative ability. Pleasing rersonality. 5 day week. Apply Elm Farm Foods Company, 379 Commercial St. (Take bus from South Station or Haymarket Set) SuM GIRLS WANTEDGirls for light factory work, 8-5, 5-day week.

Apply 9 a. in. BOSTON CLIP TAG 178 Atlantic 3d floor. Stitchers Wanted EXPERIENCED and inexperienced stachers on ladies' undergarments. steady work, rood pay.

NAT GOOD MAN 68 Harrison Boston. Sud4t my12 TYPIST MUST be good figurer, hours 10 a. in. to 6:30 D. 8 to 12 noon Saturdays.

630 per week. 412 Dorchester South Boston. STITCHERS TO operate pinking machines on rayon silos. good pay. steady work.

DAINTY MAID UNI). TV -Bedford Boston. Experienced Stitchers ON men's and boys' sportswear. new modern factory at El station. VICTORY COATS, la City Charlestown; Cha.


9845. STORE CLERKS DAILY 1-7. Saturday 12-9, $20 to start. WONDER DRY CLEANERS, Wat. 9734.

CHAMBERMAIDS HOTEL AVERY. 24 Avery at. dSu4t roy9 SHOESLadies' comp. atitchers folders, skivers, perforators. good pay.

FLORETTE SHOE 28 Landsdowne Cambridge. STITCHERS for single and double needle machines. 202 Brighton Allston. STENOGRAPHER. part time.

1 to S. no Saturdays. salary arranged. Write 262, Globe office. STENOGRAPHER Transportation experience helpful tho.

not essen tial. Write 69. Globe office. bakery, good good ray. Apply 1622 Commonwealth ave.

SALESGIRL for china dept. in retail store. AIVIERICAN LIMOGES STORES, 128 Tremont Boston. SODA GIRLS. days.

GUILD'S DRUG STORE. 705 Boylston Boston. TEACHERSMen and women. private schools and colleges, all subjects. Apply in person.

EDUCATIONAL COUNSELING BUREAU, room 521. 25 Huntington ay. TYPISTWanted, young lady for general office work; would consider beginner if typing speed is good. Call Cap. 3130.

dSu3t myl I TRAY woman, chambermaid. APnly Personnel Office. BETH ISRAEL HOSPITAL, 330 Brookline Bost. WANTEDBuyer of arts and notions for progressive. high-grade department store in New England; must be from good organization and experienced in both departments; might consider a person now an assistant buyer.

Address 99. Globe. dSu7t myl I WOMAN for kitchen work. no Sundays or holidays; experience not necessary. Apply in person, DAVIS SQUARE 240k Elm Somerville.

FILE CLERKS TYPISTS 'Wanted at Once 1 5-day week, permanent position, excellent working conditions. CENTURY INDEMNITY 141 Milk Street Room 8251 Boston sum PROOF READER NATHAN SAWYER Et SON HANco*ck 9370 GIRL- FOolfirceGeWneorraki In sales organization. Should know bookkeeping and stenography. 5-day week. APO, Monday 0 to 4 to C.

H. STONE CO. 25 Ares Roston. Mass. colored 1406.

elervieo Department Apply 7th Floor C. CRAWFORD HOLLIDGE The Store of Fashion Authonty" 141 Tremont Fired, Sud3t MY 13 hORDS ExrERIENcED Soda Fountain Clerks Gnod pai steady employment, pleasant conditions, meals and uniforms furnished. Apply to Personnel Office. 558 Wasninatort Boston. Sti13t MMiMMOMMOIIMMMC OFFICE CLERICAL MELORI SHOE CORP.

0 Fulda Street Roxbury Take Ft lesion Set. oturface car from Dudley Terminal. get of at Valentine et. The Job Finder, Inca 8 Beacon Boston Secretaries Clerk-stenographers Clerk-Tr Dilts 1120440 Itaabeeeers 1125-an Machine Operator. 621-40 Switchboard Operators: Airline WOMEN WANTED Full and Part Time Fields Corner section Ouality Wet Wash Laundry lot Gibson Dorchester IP Resort Waitresses JUNE fG October.

$45 a month. plus $25 a month bonus; good board. moms, uniforms. tips fare one way; interesting recreational program for Mt. Washington Hotel.

Bretton Woods. N. H. Apply daily 11 a. m.

to 5 p. rn. J. W. McGuire, 2 Park Sq rtornry 25.

Ttogion. NIGHT CLEANERS crIrRAL office building cleaning. hours I a. m. to 6 a.

6 nights, 39 hours per week. holidays and vacations with Psi. Apply 9-5. fielding office. 65 Water at- Boston.

HAIRDRESSERS EXP. hairdressers. sa1ar3r no ject, 51.4-day vee.ek, EVA'S BEAUTY SHOP. 399A Highland Somerville: Som. 9317.

Sud3t my12 EflUGHTI. attractive girl for professional meet hours afternoon oft. ApplY MISS LYNCH, 87 Summer 2d floor. BILLING CLEM( 5-DAY week for Summer. some tenogntphy needed.

attractive 'position. salary arranged. G. rOODY. 68 Brookline Bost.

Secretary. Receptionist YOUNG woman with knowledge of bookkeeping, $30. 5-day week. AWED ARTS DISPLAY. 31 Irvington at.

ConleY SQ. Boston WANTED 'MIGHT ypunic dentat a.sistant. DR. PERCY L1GHTMAN, 113 Bay State road. Boston: Ken.

7280. NIGHT CLEANERS; In high-class office building; hounti 6:15 to 11:43 p. good pay. Apply Boom 809. 75 Federal st.

COUNTER GIRL Apply CHILDS 240 Boylston st dStCit MY 11 Brookline shop. call Hairdress2r Sun. Hyd. GIRLS. while learning -wig making.

Room 22. 185 Trjageint st. HIGHIsCHOOL seniors 'for. selling. Part-time until graduation; full time after graduation: resident Mat-Upon.

Dorchester or Roxbury. SUNDAY'S CANDIES. 844 Blue. HAL Talbot 7490. HAIRDRESSER or operator wanted.

Good pay. No evenings. HOLLY-WOOD BEAUTY SHOP, 586 Washington at. Codman Dorchester. Call Gen.9607.

SuIVI HAIRDRESSER. expert in every branch of the work. 5-day week. 'Write, giving exp. and salary expected.

13 288. Globe office. ThSu rny9 HAIRDRESSERS--5 for Malden or Arlington. steady or part time. Art.

2544. Sun. HAIRDRESSER. excellent opportunitY. higheqt -wages.

ETHEL Fp- 740N-Ds. 26 West Deg. 7821 HOUSEKEEPERmaid. all 37r. in Boston hotel.

Call Ken. 8043. NIBS. FOR I HAIRDRESSER. good hours and sal.

8 Winter Room 907.1' IMAIEDIATELYMan woman foi cooking. downta ir work, 525 eekly: certain advan ges. MRS. P. HORN.

Wrentham. tel. Franklin 770. LAUNDRY HelpExperienced press operator or woman to train as pees. operator: folder on mangle.

Apply, to housekeeper. MRS. SALIVE. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. 721 Huntington ay.

fiSo5t my8 rak-BORAT6RY technician for to-bia general hospita l. ialary arranged. Cert. 8577. dSu3t 17131.1 LOCAL dressmaker, specialist fitter ancl finisher.

Box 486. Boston a a 3 fj! II IOLA Mi tilwITiog ik6Sttreet Room 8251 Boston STITCH ERS ON jackets. single needle machines. steady work, full or part time. EDW.

GOLDMAN corner of Linden Park and Simmons Roxbury Crossing District. Sud3t mY12 GIRL FOR stenography and general ()Mee work steady position. Sea Mr. Leahy. F.DW.

GOLDMAN cor ner of Linden Park and Simmons nr. Roxbury Crossing. Sud3t my12 LAUNDRY FLAT work. feeders and folders, also wet wash sorters i top pay. CAR- TER'S LAUNDRY.

13 Atiertort Roxbury. GIRL GOOD at figuring, general office work. typing, chance for advancement. AMES S. E.

2 Vine Somerville. Stid3t my12 Temporary Position EXPERIENCED medical secretors, for 7-week period. APPlY BOSTON DISPENSARY. 25 Bennet Boston; Han. 5650.

WANTED EXPERIENCED drapery sewers on high grade work. 1-1. T. LINDSAY CO 172 Columbus Boston. WAITRESSES WANTED EXPERIENCED.

long season. Apply S. W. MILES. Headwaiter.

New Ocean House. Swampscott. Payroll Clerk-Stenographer GOOD pay, good hours, Ban. 8100, SuM Hairdresser For Cambridge. Call Kir.1467, eves.

Hui. 6739. g-A-kE MONEY fast; sell HedenkamP'S beautiful Everyday Cards and correspondence notes: big bonus. SOCCidi offers. Write today for FOMIlle Everyday box on approval.

HEDENKAMP. 343 Broadway. Dept. DD2. New York.

Su2t my12 MIDDLE-AGED woman to help in kitchen in small lunch. no Sundays. 111. Globe. Office.

DiJAID WANTED s- CALL LON. 9505. dSu7t my9 NURSE for camp near New City for boys, June 17-August 21. State age. education.

experience. salary desired and write for full particulars to Box IOC Grand Central Station, N. Y. C. NURSE, white, care of 2 children, 2 and other helP in family; to go to Cape Cod this Summer.

good wages. Telephone 6878, after Wednesday. May 15. REED MONEY? Full or part time; sell war big commissions daily. RIVERSIDE BOOK, Iowa Palls la.

OPENING for person to do switchboard and typing; also some general office work required; alternate Monday and afternoon shift; must emoy working with people. Write 450. Globe office. oSu5t my8 PASTRY COOK. thoroughly experienced in making rolls.

Pastries. salads. desserts; state wages expected. Address: SARANAC INN. Saranac Inn.

N. Y. ciSu7t my8 PART-TIME stenographer. some knowledge of bookkeeping. vicins itY Somerville.

92 State 6th Boston. WThSu my8 PART TIME hostess. 10i30 In. to p. no Saturdays.

no Sundays, no holidays. HUYLER'Si 14 MiOt st. PART-TIME cashier. Ap3.1113ra per- son today CAPITOL 303 Broadway. Somerville.

REOISTEREZD NURSE. 6-day week: SEP. 6094s dSu23t WARD MAID for small private hos- iribiliL MY1L pital, live in or out. 45 Centre WANTEDIn Silver Hills ii-ctitincif Weston. housekeeper, motherless WANTEDNight nurse.

Emery Rest family. 2 boys. 8 and 2. 289. Globe.

Home. West Medford: Arl. 6903. WANTEDWoman to care for inf'Su my10 valid. live in.

good home. Tel. YOUNG lady for general office work. Rev. 0555-M.

good. accurate typist. pleasant WANTEDWoman for 3 weeks. to office. near Columbia station.

5-day care for 3 Young children in MY week. salary arranged. Phone MR. home. $35 a week.

Call Art. 5385-W. MORRISON. Col. 2780.

WOMAN for general housework. 3 YOUNG LADY for small office. typ- adults. 129. Globe office.

Ingand general work. YOUNG professional courile desire a EXPERIENCED salesgirls wanted girl for care of 8-month-old child for bakery 1694 Dorchester at beach. own room. nights OM sal-Am; Dorchester. bSta arr.

Garrison 3054. myll WANTEDIn Silver Bills section of Weston. housekeeper, motherless family. 2 boys. 8 and 2.

289. Globe. WANTEDWoman to care for invalid. live in. good home.

Tel. Rev. 0555-M. 1 4 4 i lb.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.