Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code (2024)

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Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code

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Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code (1)




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Tuesday - last edited Thursday by Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code (2)TheAntiSocializer


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we have broken code in v68. How quick can we have an update from Oculus?

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Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code (3)


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Also the same thing happened to me. Getting this in my windows application event log.

Faulting application name: FlightSimulator.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: VCRUNTIME140.dll, version: 14.38.33135.0, time stamp: 0xe2e02087
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000002991
Faulting process id: 0x0xEC4
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DAE22533C5088D
Faulting application path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\FlightSimulator.exe
Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll
Report Id: d9a9e1f7-7af8-450a-8cbc-f68b24face3c
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:


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v68 also destroyed any Unreal 4.x VR projects using Open XR, Racelab overlays, OpenXR Toolkit and a bunch of other OpenXR apps and utilities. Just awful. How this got past QA is astonishing.


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iRacing will still run in OpenXR mode if you disable the OpenXR toolkit - which has minimal advantages over just running Oculus. FWIW the dev of OpenXR's suggested fix is to ditch Meta Link altogether for OpenXR apps and use Virtual Desktop (wireless only tho).


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Can add EA WRC VR to the list...
This is insane. I am getting rid of this headset ASAP


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same problem here, I demand to get this fixed ASAP as DCS was the main reason to purchase Quest 3.


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Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code (8)



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The main prob is that I have never used OpenXR Toolkit, doublechecked today to see if I havr it and no. It is true that v68 changed the resolution and stuff in the app settings. From what Im reading on DCS Discord is that the peole with Qpro are hit the most, we cannot run OpenXR via Link cable anymore. People with Q2 and Q3 if they run the toolkit but disable it, they are good to go... my Qpro is still on v67 while Meta Link is v68 but I dont expect this to be the issue there is something more serious...


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It's not just OXRTK users, it's anything that relies on a set of OpenXR API calls. That said, there may be some specific functionality that impacts Quest Pro users that doesn't others. For instance my Quest 3 can run iRacing in OpenXR fine, but my overlay and other apps have to be disabled. Perhaps the QPro has some sort of feedback absent in the other headsets that use the OXR API? I don't know. But if your Meta Link is v68 regardless of the headset version, you will experience this. It's pretty well explained in a couple places that I won't post here but just google "OpenXR Meta v68" and there's some good technical explanations, including from developers who alerted Meta to the issue. Who then, uh, shipped it anyway?


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Tuesday - last edited Tuesday

EDIT: Never mind, I didn't realize BMS had an OpenXR runtime option, ignore this. Does it work if you use OpenVR?


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Although getting rid of this headset is one solution, i'd rather have it fixed. a New VR set is not what i was hoping to buy this year.. And The Quest Pro is still the best for what I do at this moment in time.


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Is there any way we can actually get in touch with meta about rolling back to v67, which worked absolutely fine for me...????


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Resolved - Open XR Toolkit was broken with v68 Oculus Link code (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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