CREWE FOOTBALL NOTES. ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR TIIE Mork put County 13 9 3 I 28 7 19 Darlington tiriiiidiy Town Accrington Stalybi glee Celtk teitithp Alexandra Doi Ado City Tioniairre Deters Wrexham Nat .11 rt Canted Lincoln City A-1113400s 12'4 7 1 13 SI I 14 2 8 4 311 hglalo II 3 11 7 1.5 33 8 l3 3 9 1 14 36 7 Rceult, Lincoln City 2, 1. trek Alexasillia 3. Stanley 3, Y. Lturksia City 3, bcderbeld I.
tredroby Town 3, Y. lowa 1, Southport. I. Celtic 4, (borough S. Stiwkport County 3, I.
Lartlepoula tiniest It, 'lrainere S. rezmies 4, 2. The struggle between 6r-t elute in the third Laagne atterea-ai in interwet Seek hy week. Stockport base again eatmind I the head, bat they hold toeir peition purely on goal airmen user Inariingtun, chowl Driucitiy nit playing au conwieteully sir to toieditute a real onager 10 the leader's hole, 'there are now only Wee dillerence between the fir. 3 eight Tbs lir.t three are running a nee with nineteen pint, whikt Aecrington follow wrath eighteen, Stalyhridge and Southport and Crewe neat with eiatoeu.
the nowt Illefitol.llll44 perturhushue es Saturday in the league gra. the Aleaandro' victory at 3 2 at Lincoln. It saw the only away iistory of Ike nine matches played. It Pas 811 en their oupporters renewed The attendance. the majority of the 'rhiril ea gue niatches appear to he dwindling down.
Tlie lisrpix4 gate on Saturday an. at port. here Inn en inoweltillieti to the County of WaLall. At Ilalitax and thuhain there were only 3.01ie. at Lincoln and ut Wrexham 500.
The Crewe uttenclenree. after all, compare wetly favourably eitb these. -t Cite-4er having hot their protest. Crewe journey to Wrexham on Saturday in the next round of the English Cup. Singularly enough, the Alexandra should have met Wrexham on the muse day in a Third League engagement, but this will have to he put oil until later in the ninvion.
Two year. ago the Welshmen were drawn eguinet Crewe in the yaw round of the competition, and un that atter a niceit exciting finish-- Crewe twice in the lasit two minute. -they merle draw. At Wrexham on the following Weitnewhy Crewe won by 11, only goal ot the match. Slitierilay'a meeting will, therefore, be looked upon with more than moult interest.
Wrexham were at Nelson on Saturday, and only hart by the mlil gold in three. A number of special trains will run from Crewe, and there is bound be a big Crews were tiv far the tam nt They were quicker cn the bell, and their at gin' were wort piaerfut and efreattre. It is a strange fact that Crewe 'ably Say better awe, tit.n they do at bowie. Their brat victoria. this st.isea hale hken wieuvid away frrin hose.
Lincoln sere sere the fires to over and iheir aneens come after three mama play. Ttey did not, however, hold the had many moment-, Winterinirn placing lie dlevaisdra on equal tetras with a Militant slot. it sea 1T1.11.11 who engineered the movement, and 10, alter 44nerly working lu. soy theatah the defence, gave Winterbuiti the ippwttinity siveb he sal waiting for. Tb.o the ri the tat boll, Rowland.
on a OCOILSIOnd era within an ace of hi- side nhead. --x-- nee in the emend halt that thane! their worth. It 4. the float rank ever plated tier. Winterburn nut 1,13 and be hail the mtra'actou of the Ile SIN well rartnered by Hawn, put plenty If lo'c into Ma dardlev.
At the other end Caulfield an I 3t3atni.t played tory pretty foltball aid the latter on nee or two had the hartlyet of Irk in not 3c ring. Minna the rho in 3.3 data 34 the Borten reduced UN, Alataiodta33 lead ly netting the Lail from a corner itch. 'fbe Aral leers full of excitement and Undoubtedly oared the ailantion. Th. Reserve.
tiaht In bat hated Ileoehnield, bat the (ell to pleros tba wowed baif. wad lost I cod. i orj tzed e4 ra vre had II: lead. i Itle very toad style. There a little oerey dhplayed is the eoeoed half eed the rileanetv tote of IL Thee ''erib'eur tour oa.
peeetieeltv whilet the Alesendre were led, httr as. ore tenni, lot. hot hnoi Crewe quietened their drat bit they "Oh have beaten therm C11P.91119.11 COL NTI RF7IULTEI TO DATE. P. W.
1.. DV. A P. row Town Wineford United Whintioreli llindbeen Runbl Wigan Albion 34 4 3 51 12 17 Anlinen al Maida.4148 Perk 14 5 3 24 7 1 13 Cretin Alassailles TMIIMODO 110 8 8 91 31 1 1 18nenlei 14 1 21 33 II ri le nelsee lO 5116 97 Vnetlterith 7 17601nria Iteliney Ats Rumors 12 8 1 17 31 7 Wiwi Malley 111 8314 36 5 Cinnowilee Qom 3.Tr women Borers 1411m11.1011 Ranablera 0. Winsford Uoutail C.
Nantyrich 1. Vivian. 0. ror (.. asooioort 1.
Su'vbride Celtic 4, water 2. 1.416...1ea 6. Hannon 2. uriroftel.l 4. hCrewe 1.
Town 6. 0. hA -hblu 2, Saltary Athleur 1. SATURDAY. DFAT.MBER 3rd.
v. Nalamaib---urter. T. Hate. bh's Quay v.
R. Iselnikoa. Murbeaf.r44l t. e. liamihach 11.
Vit v. N.ulgra•4l.-G R. 41.1. Tranmer, Rovers Whilehurrl. --W.
'r. Sl.rit net County Witte. Thoolvoon. C.vagle.lim Ton r. Eteuveve Fort (Avvvrnt.
J. Mellor. CREWE LEAGL W. L. D.
F. A. 7 1 0 0 24 2 14 7 3 3 1 '5 It 7 I 3 4 1 11 11 7 6 2 3 1 7 tl 5 7 2 5 0 9 21 4 7 1 1 3 12 6 1 4 1' We-t Street 76 0 FR Paul's Ftliestea.ruai Brad PAY et lied( sc ert 8 1111 Street Pedle. Wrest i LAST SATURDAY A I Beecimilreet 1 Atee.dos-reed 3, 0. 111.11-atreet liedfo-daotroet 0.
St, l'oul's 3, t. On Saturday the, Crewe Scheoltisys enleritin Mearhester tun preliminary tnal before gunk: to Wieshant, and the following tram been chmen to Crnre. street); Mill Hodlii.von (Wret'tree Cat enll (St. Turner (Hmitowo), Went street); (Wmt-nreel. Harding (HigLtown).
Wt. P.surol. (Edlyto i-road), tr Newton 'Brood-street), street. Ledford Villa catertaiaed St. Boys at Gips.
Mar had been in prornits tan mauler when lianall gave Boys the a feat shot. A I. creased the lead The Villa played trotter after this reverse and $. Hanna "coved two gravid goals. In the second half Villa bad all the why and yowl.
were by Warrun. Ilsoehr. Haddock J. WREXRL RY AND 1)1 1111('T JUN 1011 FOOTBALL I.6:AGUK. I.EAGUIO TABLK, NOV.
2616. P. W. 'L. F.
A. C. feape4r, M.D. Stur 116 4 T. 5 0 10 4 it, Illskrbl.4ll 8 5 3 24 11 i 0 ftro.r6l141 6 3 3 I 18 14 7 1 12 9 7 7 1 4 1 13 19 2 6 0 6 If 4 7 1 6 0 13 2 5 0 7 24 5 0 5 0 30 sha.
to Wren Weq.l3 ieb W. (G.W. PATURD RESULIG, 141.r.kmbill 4, M.D. 11. 14.1 1.
Y.D.War 6, Nmsteirls W. 1. Itroomhall fttspeley 3. Wronbury 5, 1. Andlrm 2.
441. 0. Wemou 0, T. 2 PIXTURF.S FOR DECEM PER 3rJ. r.
WakeMsak Masts Kit Ash Drawnhall r. Sin: ington M.D. (G.W.8.) at 230 AUDLEY T. AUSAMIIII. Auilk 7, 1.
At Audley on 3loo.lay.•foi. was t'ae second meeting of the hi the 6tatt. Jiiihor Cup Competition. Atelier Cie piny and note 10. advsmage eni 17 on.
two twiner. (UMW their way, oet hies: sad Barnet: both shootin4 outdate. At the tither cad Oweu from 111.ablorli, sad, with only Brooke, to best, shot into hands. 'LIM game heel been is progrra 10 when the visite, opened the 45.1:e, and it moved the beat goal of the match Por.ester got away on thei tett. ilea combined ow-voriest lilt the resulted is Howell renewing ekee in.
He beat the bolo, and gave Heek, no chant After this revers Audlcy aettksl down and can opened that Breslau, i lio played capital game on the lett wing, maned tile move. swill. and Napt beide! his eentee into the net. The as, assts tonspiellullt iu the scoring the second goal. He tined of from an angle.
sod Brookesptd to comic a cooler. Beaton placid be.tutifully. and Osiers leleeling nth hi. head seared. Still keeping up tte prossare.
Alialey canted anxiety to Waukee. sh*t was rather ancertain in timing data. hit the post fur Al.a. per All' in a subsequent melee Owen increased the harm lead. Just before half-time tilt ill soot for Audley.
Audi, 4. Alsugsr I. Audley kept up the atOck 4.n resuming, and Napper sent in a Onetrar from the wing. Brook. concerting corner.
From the flay kick. alto a from both Mode men cleared. But the home MEWS Out for could not he vanquished. anti when the second half we. 10 old served.
A short while after this Owen Wed another. Enill sing mot 4 4.7 prominent in each attack. Then Akeiger improved comideraLly unit solskc ed ile'esee to ronsiderahle plea. sure, Hawke. having lo bring ollf some masterly saves.
Entering play teen near the loose goal in the Lest quarter of an hour. when Atmter made strionow to reduce the wore. Just before the e.fwe the Insideeight scored for Andley. CRIME SWIFTS v. CREWE ALBION.
On Saturday, et And readied in a draw of cue rat each. The game opened with the Swifts prewinn Atth, sent hot rtruek the bar. After 30 minnics' p'ey received a peas from the and heat the zontkeeper with grand Pier then chanced end, and a minute before the interval flarlingtoe far the Altana. In itw ari.rind half both team, played but no further Peoria; took place. SANDNACII WESLEVANS CREWE VILLA At B.antlbsch.
on Sandlmeh hyrax fret. Vi m. Final: tll4t 6, Sandlach Wts.lryst4 I. WILLASTON WIIiTK STAR. v.
HALL. VILLA. nen, seen I in t'le hat few anal took the 'cid through faulty wort, home Wane toiv exerted gleitt and Grueota yon aired bur aha front Johnon, a penalty awarded fun 10, from ninth To th, vitiprive of the lusts Coppeultal took live had all being reored nn Irvt tell mmutrw Frog. she liettatT fork malveis into thoir hanvls cad (v rovett savol ithota front all tae home until Jennon. tasting all pp Lion, ivtraed Wright to agnm.
Vintinv ed with Its arrant penal y. flail time: Wilttaton 2, roppes.l,ll 2. Vitltavklit bombarded the vialtorn alk4 time. Kwhard ren tigeinglt struck thin und re-bound end the INA. lo tit few M1.11111C., laghtfoot, placing a fee link well out, of reach gave Vidlasten i vlt deverved lead.
penvlty was as srakd Wi Invton before the lost U.S eitt brotight ofl fine save. fully lea.rveil to win by ninth "urger margin than 3 1 2. 14..... teach aott all for Wtigstoo. CONGLETON FOOTBALL.
CONOLETOWN TOWN ALTRINCII AM. Font MORE GOAL FOR FITCHFORD. By goal sit, ape the Congtoten Torn elesee Late t. aft egoin t. position of Thor fimin lit-Lim Zit dititit on tilt a urday et Coralelon were at full atrength the tacaptson of C.
B. Twastilow, who w.ta bar eototy aga.lnt Lancashire 1w tb inier-league snatch at Tsanincre. The vacancy was lined by Alf. Small, a player of no mean ability. ebtlll made four dosing, in the Icon that beat Rosen, awl hit 1.3 inpart 41, arrd A.
J. palate asst sty in tho sot v-li snatch. The Altrineharn vacancies erre filled by Guitoidge. 1711watanan, Pricer and Oakley. shilet.
Lee Wok the centre forward positton Perkanacn, she on the llmrstity prevtous wa ttendixred Oldham Athletic. en Coe ball in Tnotsow foe the ewiloes, earl tho Town attacked iamwdtately. With Iwo nonotew Maher etolo, 111 from The naultaat kick sae pl.taett by Horton, and Fllchford, irreurtg the boll, opened wort, for Cougletam After of and nhootoag by the Town player, FiteWore, farther their teed. Following ilia altrine improved for little time, and on tw-teral they the home goal, but were Poet weriev4ly dangerous. The game wow neanwg the intenal when Jackson, of Altrinelowin, lanai the megortuse to fell owl injure hie knee, meraattateel the attentom of the trainer, who the player off the held.
At balf-time Congleion led by 2-0. Upon lit. titities reroinmencing had to the tieJd with only ton playms, end consequently their tear was somewhat loot rto tone In afgain taking op the attack. Ltn4l remberton lb'rd goal within the firat minute from re. starting.
this further gave much de. let to the epertators. and two later tehford again beat Mather for th fourth time. The hall was tronaferred fr.m goal to goal for a time. and owing to Akron.
Jinni hatiog arkrpted the one-lack 'latent OK 111.1311 ff forward, wero Preautntly instal off.iilr. Yeas.h& the Town. who awe bent ow improt nig the goal rut oreilod in obtaining a fifth again through the anew) of titehloid, wallet early afterwards the latter player rantred finely to Schley. who planted the 1.11 into the act for the aisth occasion. Tur.
tall afters ord. dttplared a rplend id effort front the mobil, bee. fin" Ily ended in taking the ball off It tor The player again attempted a onnt.r but Cooper. of A Itrtoehato, attempted bun of posorantoo. Neatly T.tylor then tried his lurk an a 'corer, but heal effort treat over the bar.
The game ultrtnatlty analad to for Math I. 6- 0. It maw hardly rspeviett that AltrLarlsom after their Roe progress in the Awnslwo Cup) would cut such a sorry figure as they dot co Prom start to Biondi a scrappy some with thy eseeptios of a brief period during the Ant Thee loaned the Townie. in Isollsent mood hroughout the game, and agasn the home wet: prcdured football.
Beery one the te a ploy. 41 well. and once Vitraword penned that he had found ht. ahnettng record now being act PO in the last two games. Ills four goeht on gotur(Ly weft ex.oupler.
of ho skill. Horton is mailing a no partner to raPort Veto player, centeto meta accurately. The .1.1 well, but renown(' a Intl, mem when opoosstr the goal mouth. Tll Town lot, mut Smith's grmind pte era shoe raise. Moffat, Toytor and Sutcliffe maintained dine reputation ae defcciase uo Sutcliffe towards the rauchrsion of the game accomplished real by ateging hunralf 1.111 length semis the goal mouth to yore a from winch rselty saw a mls si agnificent eee cuatodianslup.
Itzwpecting ihn defeated team, it became apparent that then felt the of their trawl and opus it wee terrilCe sllluck that they centdeprived of the dervie of Jaeloon the latter hall of the game. lint ea the form rinxbierd by th it whether, eve. had Ihn Man recneented. the full complement of manta would have been by the Cemeelmintrei. The di.p.v in goal by Mather Kuhl aot talon .11 good.
IN the full bark, Cooper was the beet. The intermediate IMP woo and larked pediment in them feeding of the from lino, of storm Conliffe. Lem and were eltMo. Jachoon dot beans ha injury. Tire game wait linelv cont.r.,ll-d by the wheal en charge, wboie were Fianna an! deetere.
marros TOWN v. ELLEN RE PORT CEMENT WOKKA. This rearraov tl County letgoe nsntch will Ir demi at to-day TM Coegkton Tnwn eleven will be as IL F. E. Tae.or and H.
Moffett S. Mum, W. and C. B. Twee, M.
G. E. Cooper. C. Backlov.
W. H. Fstchford sod A. Gortoo. Miler .1 Mr.
J. Mellor. Stockport. CONGLEION MU KTON ST. lAN ALD'S.
On Sturday at Brvrelon. Donna the lint tall rods recorded. Ten tainuterl atter the ontenol Geo. Atlitliio the eewre for St. Annear.
Twelve minutes from tone" E. Rolgway equalieed for Hrereton I The raw ended in a draw of one oneh. THE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921.. BANDBACH FOOTBALL NOTES. LUCKY POINT.
ANUFILat GOALLFaiS Although tho di.organised ti.torda:iy. and se football sierrNl tip was Liebe thew Wiadard, I am prepared to uy that a tictury abtaild bete tree MelAllbeti Ly i the I.l.nrie insteed 4.4 a nafonl had sot any.hing him tit*, cheaper 1 tad, and it 06.1 etwr tho ilOOl.l supp. krespiattl. It zero end Worth were a the Bret ts, being and the tailed the oftwia a at th, Rat moment. lki.isford had also a b.t of a rewhufge.
mad duet loon was ratty seleetcd in tie. dresenet ream. Rams at their et.r..nutrl te is where 7 club, butt tlio others --they 000 ry.att eipol to those who hood broaght then, no sole) for the RauiLlere, Vie Hammen deb intod finriy, and in Plot romlon, held in the throatemel danger how the sings But trothell wet LY uw.t" a of the match. With 110 of antics the basking player efter pliyee, but aim, to hni.h had lerni to iteelf long fretful kicks. and too of sheet avitilt whi.h was carried too far.
NANTWICH GOLF CLUB. There a preliminary rumpling by member. a sag the new golf coarse the Brine Hotel on and the Goose to play to toll as to wipers, every one. A coodly number of another" played. Sohofactory In the new onion i it to Improve it by a turtber evesdituss of UDO us £3OO.
NANTWICH FOOTBALL NOTES CHESHIRE COUNTY LEAGUE. NORTIM It'll VICTORIA BUTEN AT Nortauich Victoria tonight very alubbornly for i.i minute, to get the lead in their agrin.t Nantrich, and for the minutial. of ten tat to thaw icset. They tailed for the req.ion that in ihi match a great many ahich have been played during the yr-ai. Nantaich auil Northuich have tarn roncesned in Cheshire football the home 1.111 were vl ringer in attack.
had more of the play. and erre re thingerou 4 in theii shooting. Indeed. much the fame glt in of Nantivich that only the hue goallectiing of Jone. kb winning by a auhetantial margin.
the old Noitii End ciwtodan showing style, expo inner. and ability in in all poattiona Has. that reached hint. Nnntwieh otarted with the can behind them. and the Northikieh lett wing rove piweing immediately.
lea-er and the belt behind him putting the Lilt aen to Alnlyneux. whor* emd Mil cleated. 'Mere were appeal. tor on.ole when the ball rem. mg to Wagstalte.
lint Talton went us with the pee. which wo. given him, finial! clearing trout him. Narthwich returned to the attack, sad strveelon tonight a 'hot from Stellynes: and three. neoy.
At the other sad mer the her. Northeich were ina Wardslle.eirAng on the 1.11 tram a throwin. heat 110..11 when tackled. hot ho waw offdtlo when the ball w. cro.sed to him by Talbot.
goal -partly aftersarda had a R1111 IMP. a tent IV I Sy MO. bring indifferently approached by Strettle. and Stanley. gathering the hall eliewo in.
gave Tattoo a chance. Alter 1.11414 had he held a god Stanley when Santwith were eripitileng to the attack. The find corner fell to Nantwirh. bill the Vietoo is it. WPM POW having more of the ploy.
Joiner left hie goal to stop Wag toffe. acid then following tones tackling for the ball pingresw want mucked by the Northwieh right going Molyneua'n who! being oared at the ewense of a corner. The attack 'rent back again to the Northwith and a corner following. twice cleverly, and then luckily a fat return frosts after the ball had been by Tritton kicked away by on the gloat line. The eatr.rd Steventon an anliouA liniment.
the Nantnich goalkeeper sunning sod. tic with and Ilnye. hampering his. Talton ww. nicely plweed to get in 4liot, but flakell took the ball of hid toe yard or two front the left ivirner It was game with Nantwieh having wore of the attack and both playing with oldtime letermivation.
Jon. 11. et loudly applauded by the Northwich of the crowd for reaching a ball tinder the bar which eatue from a fad drive by Some on the Nortlisich 14,41 (during shielo Stevention handled) iw beaten oil. and a movement on the Nanterieh right re-dted in Symes ahootnig hard into the lett corner of the Northirich goal. Jane.
again gathering the bell high op. and the neat MOW CM oariag inely from before the interval Strettle put the ball to, end Illolyneua (who bad changed with 011iiherty. who sae lame) as. Feed Deets whets Steventon gut rot to the boll. The Naatwirb goalkeeper immediately afterwarde.
threw away a rearm. and 411.otightin game into collnioo and Waritatle eat penali-011. From the free hick O'Loughlin. taking on the PQM. was wide in hi, the interval airiting Alertly alterwarik.
Nantwieh Mgt in the 6,4 itangerfom what upon remuitna. After ten ploy Tattoo put in a poud centre, and Green, gathering it cln.e in, loot shot wide of the pool when Strettle nel about to tackle. Monet immediately carried when but a free Ow.e to the left pout defended, Streitle heading away. 800 Warn- were exerting thetoiselve. to the lattermost.
Mort. went th a crowd Vic, and lllialk hi- preos to Nicho but the Nantwieh renter with arott-ante attempt Re. Side Northwieh raidowl the Nantwieh prowl, and a shoot by went wide of the po.t. Nantwich were Lack again the neat minute. and Nicholls float a (vette by Tht 'On headed over.
Aimed 'weer 'midi in their play. They were decidedly more ilangarons in front or anal. Northwith 0.," the bed they had far when front a by trlhiherty Molyneux fumbled the toll twelre yard. Irian the Smal-1 wich goal. 111)aherly a few minute, later from a hall which ea.
manna aeries Iron. the lett ring ahoi failed badly. Nantwich la4a.el and then forced terser which Nicholl. howled North. with broke tinny and taco.
kft Nantwich harko defending the North. ich line. Mor.ts chating 111 dangtrons movement. It IV. fnlce alarm a ntintite neterward.
when the Nantwich crowd clowned lore goal. 'Patton got away no the left. hot dome in. when Strettle tackled. Talton ioohed hint and potting the ball into the net wan abortive.
It woo not until alter half an hoar'', play that the inutl w. won. Then trapping the ball in the NO ribwirh half. and hVintotaffe and tireen taking on the ball, latter Ant into the net trout whorl range. Loner mating an effort to get down to the ball, but jowl failing to it.
Symni. two minute: later lifted the hall beautifully into the Northwich goal, Jonmi. after it the her. tipping it over from a corner. dime: wan upplanded for making trout MTV.
at toll length by turning the hull round the pu The corner defended. With wren to go Northaieh made ilimperate ellorte to get keel. and trim LI throw-in Sloilynrox tdoit tit wide of the pied. At the other end ftreen was pulled up far when about to turn to account a centre tram 'fatton. hunk heavily over the ground.
but .7111104 all the way wee able to tier a ehot front Tattoo. and thee time arrived with Nantaich striving in front of the Northaich goal. Everyone who rely the gsnie we. with the more thingerol. play and generally the beater football shown by riantwo h.
The measure on the Northwirli goal was. such is. gme hiantaiyh three parte of the uffen.ive, and it aaa only the eteadinewc and the joilgmeet of in knowing when to quit his charge atter hie bark had been beaten by the hall, and Ma elevernews in toll length raving and again in gathering the ball, that oared Northwieh from a heavy defeat, Neither Helpedl nor throttle wee an reliable an 'Men and Criddle. the Nantwich bubo, and it -truck one that both the Northwieh and the halves are capable of better defermise play than wee awn on Saturday. Smith an: the most effective in feeding.
and Veneto a. the bed of tho Northwich line in the brat half. though he fell Tway in the wont half. Sometime. there wan stylish forward work by O'Loughlin and Ilnlyneox.
though the latter Played out of hie place, and by flay, and ho*r, but in front, elsort peeing in the irq halt wri not fed enough to brat the Nantwich middle line, and wing to wing in the weand half was opposed by Nantwich with cowl tackling, which wee generally an nhataele to the Northwieh forwards getting in their The Nantwich forward- allowed more rlaali than the line. Niebulle. though einietimer erratic in pepsine to hi'. win men. always worked hard, and there was gold work done by Orem, Wordage and Symms.
It ww, however. from behind that the nure wa. principally maintained. at cetre-hall vin fa.a. Vertaim in hi.
tackling. and toreefol in pn-hing the ball between the Northwieh forwar4 and halve. for the Nantwith tront line to take op the uncreative. flew iinhiw.tionahly the bed halt on the held. Dean at right hack played one of brat traniei.
and he whor*d style alto in ht- kicking. rridille, coming in in Oar, of Badger tinoliwiwiweill. whor*d proniie, his judgment in knowing when let tackle and when to Iropping hall iraigitating paw oihirl ie. of hi- -dill improving. Steventon in goal hailinot grant deal to do eninnared iiith what Jona, hail to do hr had a quiet afternoon.
NANTWICII, PAWBVTERIAN 233rd anatennary sae. 1e.09 grele held at 11.. old Preabyearna (Hattetrian) Chafe' on Bewley. It wee also the oiranoli of the re. flaming of the chapel after paintiag end rear The latennting and historical edifice lea war the apacaranoe of haring renewed It.
youth. The pnsitaher SAW the Rev. H. McLachlan, D.D.. Pnacipal of the College.
Mancheeter, rho preached eloquent nrpi ring writ resrlered ho lir. Fred Jaei n. NM Pali Davis at the organ. collectionw were takes is aid of the emortilioa fund. (Centimes" tem nest Colons Guarantor', them the balance of the fowl well It asnond the goarsotors rn propertoon to the antoeut eutwertbect.
If rt desired, the motley can remain with the clot, until the nett Mr. Smith is pleaeed with the fOlkm.Dl anonymous which has been pusiled into us letter.brs. 4A. for the Ramblers' Club, 'ratio them every ft, their future military." C.Y.R. 3ch Elronb oe Bator day by 3-2 J.
Obk. sad E. wee Um teOrers for Eleorth. POOR SHOOTLNG. During the whole of the nines minutm, neither fealkerlrer had a deem nie.di shot whieb out, le tapab.lll,llt 01 sctik, At Nhitritureh, tie Itmithlera ap easel to rented the "keeper more a LW, rye, with the result esitrim wt prevented with tapparent ewe.
And us the Rantbery not. only ruined the thota at the 'she target." but to make salter: they fretoently tent eve, the her, when a tlniplo touch anlns- late rolled the bail over the ervl lire No doubt the Eat, eseiteurnt shi.h proeuled 'inset them a littk, sud cauei the rratio abate. Then al the faint it 4 1 keep no their wed Illont Jacket an operittir as a Mull, of a dip. btit. likirry Coe shot.
ewe a wretched Some credit ran given to th' s'uitor, in rimming. the tide fent the If ler with only ten men, and thty played eslitiorly ham. playing over the held in going to the leave of his rdeaguer, a 1.4 every rum, of strength was put forward to keep Ramblers' (rent Er, lo Icnirth. 'Ph it Mashie) oiled often to mvonrd eh Itus. glide sweet Jiatmir to the hrne apettetim.
se the goal to the Ramblers wee of far too small morn en this we Ann. 61141011.X:ri. Whether the Ramblers eon or kat. did not 1 trtoide the officials to srry great gree, in rbe 14111Atilcx alisll.d toes My. I alsould the gate larger than flat of the Cm mate's.
Winsford wet user many ilia and approsinsasey there would la about 21.Z0 f.cs,plc pr.sent. Not a bad ensed for staisdnee'i. A pity he tornsble beeringa srt 144 become oser-biated esmy liaturday. 'f stand arrommodation on the re erre aide is a grant loon to eopperters, who qussily avid thennelrei 4 Cie additional comfort for a Fence mere. A somata of coffee stalls semod do a trade on sitar pas .1 the 11,1,1 L.egie the reserve side, end the dab has en it employing areat labour, oo naming alditional from stall retie.
The tears Sendlsteh: llunter avod Ifi.nt, RVigiT and Tend; Keay, -tt, Are and Riley: Wcl Ind Fi Dean. and Crrhernl: Lever, Yr Wright, Braargirdlr. WINSFORD'S seuie the Reathlen feat the ices. Tier, the team fix the Mot tune, but he fellei to ramie the coin engirt Nttxfurd ho4.d 1., tin goal, son for a feu minutia the b.l refilled to leave centre 01 the pitih. Walker Ni the ball the comae it hod to tale, sad Lover gave a htlyinic hoed" by ovreepiag it oser to ti.r totie, more the left of the val.
1 3, 01 the toll. hut a great look by Hunter eta, AO, in the other lertn lht with, re saved froen eat 1 reolei at a 121.4 critical moment. llc 14,6 11140 to Eltd bia bahtix, in a second, rml Jartisr.n leered to pot by the Sialy and Ayer. rated nay the left, 4111 alker an fortunate preventing comer. pounced t' 1,11, Woes it .41 Vier Ow head, tJ fn.
the to rise. Ttenkinson snide of tempt. The Rambler, were bring mg son, pore mint hear on the goal. Fttsbby Fish, n.rely, rentre was headed pest the by From the free kink, Win ford right reohrd sway. the ball off Hunt fora fl.vr the ball from the and then began to show his fiends.
Ile to, ran the ball. oriel the. ensbted Walker dspoine him when pm: sermod certain. MM.FIIS RETALIATE The re now the insford go 4, and Ayres all ape, awn reeeormg floes enettatourea Ia last lathe. with a Wag tan shot.
The prrgretw sea eIePP." rtgb. enough, but Latham le; It 141 when tem play ern were 140 a lot of tonna; wattiui to on their tteynard. lathem, r. mooed. and Se.
4 was pat on run. Krlly dotted rt.arel the ball ra vete.sing rdesy from the loft-winger. The reason oa well a yawning goj away not be understood. be wee altemptteg to make ware of hie thanes, but I het 11 whn howitatet ti teat," Nur. ford.
in between these misfortutira of the homestore. in trelleg ruJlos. but wood sprint by Ilrarriprdle WOO I rought to rn and when he ap.irosehed Hunter's contact sire The outaattoltit sod hte rd loag.n met a stalbasorn remstence, sod old Froat was the From mother maw, Wright was about to try a shed, who Atret, who had I.l:en LOA, upset: the would-be 4 ...,4 balance, and cinema from 111011BARDIrD. lo spite of hia Itratiswirdle worried Ike defenlers, sod hit were tato', advalitide of. pi eeibli, due to a groat eablit to tato delenve.
Jaek on followed in die rear of the forwurd and ado, well into goal, where Latham cootie Ina the tati wit's ha urma. made twitter eueierifia attempt. after whwit 11.1.1 wane r. 4.1 for the home forward, got to the other end ouichly, and there followed hot h.widurdsaint. Fink one and then tsoLhor made an sad then iiiry finshed by aboothgmrr with help.
The risk i lto.nt OMIT. A. ti no 11.1. minute Kelly tried to make enirnelk ewttal solo effikrt. lie off opponent after opponent with her Lent work.
and oh, Wklker net so Krly putkd the tall too to front of hint. i'oPitwl wee! townie( from the Itwoblorof wing men. but Ito vititcrs' hale either got praweree, or tie Loll went wide of the mart. triolie.l walker. Anil tlestEr mcdo orsientinetablei Lid way the p.m.
gnily of his boa and 04.1. the goal on. toisanl narrowly Tbo arrived with a bent, stect sad thra vh Dirt no oarvrorecnent. It ea nut rny intention to into e( piny in the aseund toil. There vie.
very little differtne. in id play. A. I have and before, the KamWers ought to have been en warners, especially thtt Rlayni olmuin throughout scrawl half C. an MOIL if I'M :11j1.11, as.
unfortunate. Ind it is perkrps ea iica nere divided in viva of th- Winaford never relaxed their tot to tun up againat the defence was like running rep against wall. Kelly undoubtedly the or the and while he seemed to be Ode to what he Vkisl in Use 6elsl the o-Ip-stotst at pieessio to t. loin --hi. food were min-firing Saturday.
FINAL. 011e3E1DVATIONS, Kay has youth on his side, end if lest-dem require a good Inside wan then Kelly it he. 11 e001.4[, should 10 wart with bat being worthy of thi. Ligger reeigwithal', who rioted ikely hne the eatirietioa, Strange that Sandliaeh has me been represented in the I roots Lice On explanation, but thinner um ear nowt the bowler, who Atyetnel for non eold. sod Ayres who torh place its not pity It is to be hoped that 1....
Rogers and wig eel siorny be obe to miaow their activities. THE WHITE. STAR. The Star intertiunel Crewe Mark-K. OP anal dr were le dad to.
2 1. Ifiggine, the Si. captain, was 0ful with the coin and Create teak ad. tore ohn )ope J. Crofirin the acenoist, but, shortly efterwarda ht mot haling, gave Ulmer.
fine opening. and CoprAeohltl was beaten with fine 10.4. With the r.oro equal. matters iiteetted op. Trim.
MOO mode sortie 11.1 .11110 O. the right wing, and moor of hi. centres ween riaeired poorly. On ehanrner,ifigrn• nitassel 1.1...4( CIOSA With 0., the trught pot shot for carrying the hall an, the pretcribed dietunie, the Star with au excellent opening, vie taken of. Taking the free t.nk Newtoo placed to Troornan.
echo the Star the lead log goal. Chs Saturday the Star enter tam Crewe Noreen, RAMTlLfiti' CALL FOR SrPPORT. Th Ramblers' Club have iipmied it to call a special meetiey of sup- Tu to ho heti e'ter the Runcorn match on club oatelak to make a full otai.ernent of the financial I am told that am Pore of the utmoot importante all be motto, and a lane attemlanee requested in thclub Pavilion. There te be tome mcutel-r. otemlin with regard to the ehieh the of the doh him toned amyl potted to trrer Mr.
Smith orPhee uo to state list dr amount lty any tvill be the full extent of iris tability. fa tie event rJ the money oubeeribed not bring required it the end of the ream it will bo returned, but 'Mold fennel seremary to come spot she aad at iota at pavan. wallma.) CREWE PERMANENT WAi CRICKET CLUB DINNER. INTERESTING REMINISCENCES. The miewurr.
ail tee i.tere Nan Crieuet but, erlii tar, uinrier et lure ASS Lissy, ea bactirsay etre. sag. erre lain lot wet I). tar mitapray MCPaling Malin pant LISNLIbere tit the VOA WU Will Si to tile old kitty. to place It to lia extrilrait luUllitation as It the popular engineer (Or.
N. it. Nilitaion), who r. emu tar ptenLeat Ul tau rICII, pruetiled. uUppurtril by Mr.
11. I'. Al. bealura (ride. iiirralialtai AIL J.
H. Mr. 11. r. tiullen Mr.
r. Snugger ILl clroui), all old Lieniiiriu UI the tiub, and Slier tint I.t heel, Which us, thutuuguly the riening nen iletutrd to Stet misty. aunibei stn tkuistv Mew at leterials, also many happy speech. seintrilatetil 01 tee clubs early terve: wele wade sly old members etto now uriutiy cw all on el tile esumoy. It semr.lum ilitt.e had Islet luoilier label tile rat, slid it win wry nappy re-1 union.
The loyal toads from the chair were duly honouree, alter when ear. li. inby p.O- ate Peewitlent aml be referred to Mr. blurry tootner, who Was the On.t prendent ot the club, and said hi. name mend alwaye ne revered by the Crewe Permanent Way Detente' Went allot it cricket club.
Alter hat retirehaat the reins were taken over by ill. and lenpr by Mr. (lemon. both 01 whom 0...1 magniacent work tor the club, and now they tau in Mr. gentleman who would plume worthy Fiume-nor.
Mr. Wittiams, briere he belt Crewe many year. ago. wort one ut their nowt members, in tact he am. wee of the tosintei, ut the club.
Their vice.presidente were nut Nine beaus. Many ot them worked hard when the mob waft a trail child. Mr. Thundan, who de thus days war affeetiutuitely known to them all am "Jimmy Thurstien, designed the Ind pavilion, when we, now uoe.l a. a tea-roona and uthor, avvistest In the general -pate aura.
With such a banal at it wan not surprising that the club bait groan to ita erewnt puoportiono. '1 hey gate at a eptendid Fands.d, and they were deeply indebted to them. ale. W. 11.
Williatie neknotk the load, and that had it beet, fur the genuine interest evinced 111 the doh by their old president ellr. 11. there wuald not hate been a Permanent Way Cricket Club in Crewe. hod now taken him Otr. un host, end he had tome to Crewe to take then.
un tried. Mete, hear.) Ile would do all he poesitily could tut the club, and they tumid rely upon hon. and also the doing whatever lay in their power to promote legitimate upon autung the weeders ot the department. Mr. J.
11. Thondan al.o replied, and said he well remembered the tormation i the club 34 years ago. they then koninienved 1.11 patch in one of Mr. Ililditch'e eehlo, and atter a while traniferred their affections to the present ground to Greedy-road. Ile lind lit ely memories, of the day.
when they were patting their buiee in order, and he mild tell many interevting stories. abort the gentlemen who iced the hammer and They owed great deal to Mears. nudger. Iliillan. Kent, Edmunds met alt id whom he wet prom' to see precut that even.
ins, for the splendid wefk they did. They labourer' like lot of navvies. and they greatly enjoyed their work. They were the happied day, of the club. Ile wa: Waved to me that from a tiny child the chili had moon int.
One healthy parrit. They had over 231) and he was glad that they had crested other branches ot sport such a. bowls and tennis. 'ehitee who initiated the club very wisely stipulated that they were never to run into debt. and never to ley an lack of prmend that they could not pay for.
That rule he wire delighted to flout had been rigidly adhere' to and they were now in the proud ot having ground emend to none. Ile hoped that they mitild alert, continite on the "ante line- and he sesitteh them that their old memb er would watch their bingo with keen internat. Mr. R. W.
ape- referred to the early day of the club, and exprearel his delight in -re'rig malty of the old present. Ile wee one who helped to erect the anti he took great deal of pleasure in the work. They Noild not afford hose de to contract not the work, every man toot. 0:1 hie coat and put Ili, shiniliter to the wheel. 'They felt prowl of their achievement anti pared of the climb.
Concluding. Mr. Lomas mid that wee the twenty-seventh ocesettin an which they haul held their innr, and he wan glad In think that he hail not mimes' one of them. rApplause.) Mr. B.
A. then presented Mr. I. M. Court with a itenthoute Jacobean iglver toe Service and tray on hi.
railement from the position of xeereary and treasurer of the dab after Itt honorary Pie, I. bore the ineeription Pre-ented to I. R. Court by the monde', ot the Crewe (1.. and N.W.
Vic.) Permanent Way ment Cricket Club token of their entirecMtion of the services rendered by him nv honorary treamtrer and reerelary. 1902.121. October. The Permanent Wny Crirlet Club. 1.
old, Was horn ABS the result ot between three menthe, of office otaff. They called meeting and twer the y. weren were preeent, incliiiiine the preddent of that evening. The aureate of the club era. due to permnal services.
and the Brut evidence of that personal rerviee wan the original pavilion already mentioned by previons attesters. Mr. (leo. E. Bain was the foreman, Mr.
Thneetian the clerk or the wrote. Mr. the joiner. and he iMr. Edmond.) was the end afterwards promeeed to painter.
(laughter.) Ile paintal the. ri che pare of the pavn. and to manifest 'quality of the work he might tell them that it bad stood for SS year without another cont. (laughter.) It wan gene ae gond it was then. A strong unirit of lnyalty had tweet filleted between the member-.
'Mere 'bad ever been oee or more members of the club who bed been elietinguiehed general e. aad willing writer and consistent effort. and could recall gene number who had agreed the club well end emeronitly. The late Mr. Webater was one of these, and they Weald net er forget hint.
Neither ecaohl they Oarret Mr. John who for eo many were gave Terminal effort and helped in the erection of the pavilion. Ile and the In'e Mr. Wader omitituted the inteuviler gang and pot together the heavy fnendations en which the building wee aulettantislly emcee'. Now they were to ceengniar the servitor of etother member -Mr.
I. R. Court. who for 111 years bad nerved the club in en executive capacity For ten years be them and faithfully no treasurer. anti for aline yearn he had been their tainetaking end efficient boa.
writers Dearing the time he i-erked the eolith in en executive tanned! he rained valuable knowledge and experience that would prove of servire to hint tit his later Many works of imeruirmeett a teen tarried out during his In 1912 a latllei pavilion wax built. in the ammo ear bowling green Yam ennetructeh. .1913 four tennis emote were laid out and and in the follow Ire year the pavilions were painted and tad tool-honani were hut by the generozity el the Railway eeirinsit prrileroVtv thee might neter to forme. A water emptily woe abet laid on. obviating the fir jam be, to ar, buckets of water when the, geminel was punched.
In 11 1 16 the bowline' pane pavilion wae erected. and lad year the i now tea pavilion was boat together with item Wre st etc. each work entailed great antount of extra labouru fin the tart al the aad there could be tin two that Mr. Court hell made extreme leerilka. In airrilieing him-elf he hod deprived his wife of the aremciation and con, panlonehip to which she wee entitled.
and he leaped that Mr. Court afield lett upon the Otte ante enlace for the privations he hail 11. Court haul been splendid and hi. work had been appreviated by ever of the doh who hail willingly to the In acknowledging the gine. (alr.
Court. who wee warmly tceived, it eoold act Bad wordx to su Mrientlr 'Mink them foe their magnificent Ile cools' merely any (bask you (min the bottom of ion What nervier: he hail been enabled to ghee to the club haul been given ungrodglagly. out be did not think fie Olild have epent hie them in a better way. Ile had always been harked op by first-clam committee: in tact It haul been a pleneure to work with them. They had achieved great with the retell that the (bib we.
in a very proud and happy yomition. In attaining that position he was not unmindful of the valuable acd-tance and eneonragemeut given by the Itaillrey Company. They could riot have carried on without that ax without (ileat, hese.) lie trusted that the smite whole-hearted eatemrt would be given to Mr. Bailey. who had under.
taken to carry on the encretarial duties. In eameheion he mid that the gifts would always manna him of hie happy awracistioas with the club. and they would always be included amengst Ito most tossavetl 11r. 11. F.
(balite toopomel The Pernmeent Way (cricket Club." and said he delighted to once more himielf with the Crewe Permanent Way slag. lie regarded theme tie the Reel-letter day. of kin litc Individual efort, deteretinetion aml eethn. Manna bad built np the Permanent Way Cric ken lub. Ile hell alway followetell that Wwith teen ntrio and trte.
ticrue are would hold of the Warne siverssira ea lid I ntended them in the mist. Ile wan glad to And. althouelt they had prone in fee ther hinds 1 eport. that cricket shad net re-eminent. It was the fined game in the world.
tAindeit Mr. W. Johnetin, clayey: to Ito' tomt raid were a ll nt.aseh to wrinonle Mr Outten to their contourhoard ago n. Mr Gallen was a member of eng-neerine miff Ai Czeve from IWI to 1900, vitro lie went on relive, tional work in Thine. IL- now held the Piper.
tart pontoon tweets for of Belfast. Althoath he had Lein away film Crew for ninny hr interest in the Per. leanest Way C.C. hail never vaned. threa ago in.
wee Agrarian of the club, and a 'goy offices( Chairman. For Mary Tiara hr was hs ommittee and worked hied to improve their emend. It wee due to bon that thee lied so many breutifel teem mond the ground. Bin, Mr. Gallen'e are day.
the club had crown eonsiderably. and at present time. thanks Irx of tie directors or the Medway and two et their poet chute. Mews. H.
Footner eel W. Dalmon. and also their present chef, Yr. ii. Williams, they emild now claim to het, one of the beet appointed grodeds in the thaleict, rot set na the toasty.
(Bear, hear.) it 10eatiseeil fet el Gelemma Circulation 39,0530 Weekly. I TWO MONTHS FOR THEFT AT NANTWICH. At Nantwieh Police Court. on before Mr. W.
Loa and Mr. W. Martial, Juhn Cheetliam, no fized abode. .14 charged with ideating a pair of value At, the property of Nantwielt. ileorge (direr, 'manager toe 11 earra.
mod that on Noeeinbci lath prisoner came to his and took away the pair of borda (prodiread). followed him down the street and tool the from hiw and be bind go. tin the following Monday tirkoner came again, and the boy ore him take 'away the WIMP pate of booty. The prikser wa. handed over to P.C.
Tudor. iiri7ronaThr in charge, and the leads were in hie primers-ion. la reply to the charge he said. That'. right." Supt.
Sutton prisoner had previorody been convicted of heuging, and Mail been 'eat to prison for malicious damage. Ile was only from Strangeways. Manchester. on the Saturday morning. and came from to Nantaich.
He stayed at the Work.rod was liberated on the Monday after performing his task. Ile then went slid committed the Aimee being cautioned on the Saturday. He was of more than average intelligence and Tao a native of London. The Chairman Paid promner would have b. pt to prima for two Prisoner: Yee, sir.
AND S. Nenteich 4 anteich B. owl B. H. Potter (30 241 91 FL Attie (25.
391 Hope 37. A. Wades 19)--0. Pinney 81. Wright 150-0.
Harvard 102 11' Hind. t2B 121 Terrinirton 94. 1:. Potter (26, St Davies 81. H.
Cxprr 37. J. Jackal. 150. Totals Naatirieb Libtrals 1,146, Naritirieh D.
B. and B. 672. PIONEF.R NILEFg v. ST JOHN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE Pe.nesr Anglers-St.
Juba (Auras Inattuto. J. Ward 150-T. 30. 11.
155-A. Warden 86. E. th'bilks 150-H. 117.
T. Meals 150- F. Worrull 79. H. Owen 150-T.
Mitten 94. A. Arnoirl 150-15. Murray 97. E.
Jones 150--(1. E. Epsom 137. F. Bailey 150--V.
Bab, 53. Pioneer Angier. 1,200, St. rhumb titute 092. CREWS OONSFMVA7IVF.B v.
PT. PAUL'S CHURC.H INSTITUTE. Crewe Coimervatiwn-St. Paul's Church Inst. G.
56-13. Perbohiro 150. E. Webb 147-11. Ikin 150.
W. Meskin 110-11. Taylor 150. F. Clintlid (s 5 39) 150-11.
69. J. O. Jules 150-P. Daydson 114.
W. Jonas 151-W. Beason 107. T. Riding King 150.
J. Lase 76--E. 150. Tatar a Coubervattres 990, Pt. Paul'.
W.M. Cons. J. Wakeisld aro 100-J. Arkerlry 58.
T. yo am 173-T. 79. J. Hendry -Jon 100-A.
Adams 99. A. 100-F. Riley 43. F.
Tyrrell 101-A. Wootton 39. S. Crustord 70-T. H.
100. Piosrer Anginas 570, W.M. MM. CREWE COMRADF.H v. CREWE OONSERVATIVES.
Cosaradea-flaw Caatiorvativea. G. Taylor (32t 10IF-1, 65 E. Ro as 13) Yowls CZ. a.
Garth 100. F. FirrGoc T4ley 110. T. Banana 4Ympaoa 54.
JOO. -J. H. llaudlord 100. Creme Cocanaaa 565, Cream Coararva- In, 41'3.
Benavti (31) 07 A. hymn: :321 100. W. (211 100-J. Burke 71.
11C-F. Brooke. 100. F. Stela.
100-T. Evora 65. F. J. Cooke 100-E.
liarlowle 50. F. Clarke 100--F. N.eld 53. Tot ills: St.
Jt Bea (bunt Institute 579 SvJee) Workarg CREWE S. PARTY CREWE LIIIIOIALB S. Party-Crean Liberals. W. 11tty 129.
100-W. Crewe 37. W. ft. Jon (26) 100- G.
Loran $3. W. Anderson 117-1. Walla, 100. W.
Ilugllce 93. E. L. 81-8. Smith 100.
H. Moot Walton ICO. Toldl Crone S. Party EBl, Cr.ea Lau K4ALGAMATED ANGLERS v. WILLASTO WORKING MIDI.
Amalgamated W.Y. Clarke 100. F. Pries H. blarsdan 72 A.
100-C. HoII 77. Parlour Prastera 63. 11. Rennaagsood (22) WO-7'.
Not4lota 30. W. Fox 110-11. 64. Asoralgarrattod Anglers 565, Wollaston litrn 426.
TEMPERANCIi UNION e. NANTWICH Tamperanoa 1. Moore H. Maybury 100. J.
Walton T. 4. nes 100. J. M.
MOowan A. Wall Bebbangton 100. F. Boll nzton (17.3) 10D --H. Cooper (25) 92.
G. Graham 44 100. Traperaaro Unkm 443, tiaotsiolo Id maid 563. CREWE WORKING MEN v. RT.
PAUL'S CHURCH INSTITUTE Crewe W. Paul's Church Institute. K. Pottell (32) ken 49. F.
Fa 11,7 Feet 131 A. moth 100 R. Evolu J. 100 J. Lt.e.ade, 87.
Mellor 89- Hughes. 100. P. lialul.ory 75. erese W.M.
678, Bt. Poa's Clmsedb Imistate 490. frAimasad hos Previses Osleaa.) to. a pleasure to be on the ground during th, summer 'venoms. and a -e from 70 to Si numbers, lad es .1:41 enplane, thrum hen by haultby to at eroliet, tennis and bowls.
The msentserali.p of Mr, Cullan's wm about 'V; today it mu over 333, wheli eluded forty lady members. Cmuaturh, Mr. Johansen aonouneed that 9. or meet ealli 50 per cent. of the club inhere.
reed in one oliasity or another with Ha Majesty's Pole -s during war, and twelve made the The pent crick mane. wan ant gait so succeaa. fat could ham wish 41 tor, but they were in the future, with the promtang young entliueissuc playa, now corning along to beat a ll they bad Wu Mad bit to account of the poneetla derend from their iginzsal felt cities being Yee to war charotwo. Thee hal an. over CHO in lbw direction iMear, iblef.i The of the members only amoolatthl to LIM).
and as their wage bill etewral lbw 6v Lcr they could unden.tand Met they had to bascranuloitaly emeriti. Concluding, Mr. Johnson added that Mr. W. J.
Poole won the trephy foe the brat ploy, on th field. and Mr Riding woe the Turnbull challen cup for honing. "The visit, was proposed by Hr. W. T.
Lotener, who iipolta of the happy relationship rich now emoted between the of the duff rat deportment'. They had. he rand, lien hungry for inter-ilecartmental for many years. He was delighted to we the (beef Mechanical Engineer preant. and aloe the worth, of Aid Rodger.
who had left his those frond, to haranse chief of the great Liverpool honime 'elm Mr. If. P. M. Decines rept ed.
and agreed the prewinee of tha ttTot that there ma wow a better ff. Aiwa twerp the different departments of the great Railway Co. There was a time when it woo thought that the locomotive departure( no over the fens'." ha was glad to my that Mr. Damon broke that down, and what laths remained el it their pyrium. Ale( Mr.
hod densulalred. but the best of fulling now mated bitwoen the departin.nt which he, and the department which Mr. Willisina, preaided over. He felt that Chet wan for the ben-St of the great Railway Co. "than then belonged.
It woo sup to every one of them slesst for the erwrinee, 7.ll,idger oleo responded to the Must. en not he had a Larnins desire to rotor. to Crewe to meet hi oh) Pernierwat Woe Mewls The Permanent Way Club. he said. wax built on ea reediest four.dation.
It hod epleodid traditions. and be hoped nothing swell ever Ir done to lsersik them Although they hail Mho bran( hre of apart, he wen proud that they volt ca it the Way Cricket Club. (Ap. plebe.) TOo musical port of the proce dinge way very enjoyable. Mr.
P. G. Wilily was at the Wino, sail items werreoutrierstod by Mr. A. Wrist, Mr.
Wet. wed Me. E. Loot. all of wham ware sin eicollent your.
The humorist woe Mr. I. R. Goers who eyeryledr with hie rakes- I were, and W. T.
B. Photo pave a clever quirt The amusem*nts were earrail out be Mr. W. J. Poole.
Threw present at the getberiag Melons H. Wilhane, preadeet of the lin the chirl. H. P. A.
kerne. Moro Bader, Director of Homing (Corearioe, Liverpool): TI. F. Gollan. lisp( of Works (Car-1 noraticm of J.
11. Therstou. Direoloral Fripseer (Northern Dromon, L. and N.W.); T. Id Foote.
Divirional ingiuser (Wester. rei rt. N. A. Tomball, Divisional Former, (Coates! Diseure, N.
ad T. Omani. Drake (acetate department) E. A. Milaeoeils, E.
0. LIMO. C. Reatro, Jae. Dertmehiro (GUietY) Fieher.
Goner. es. Pmecra, Par. too, G. Thurston John'.
Dube. 1 1141tbr. rl. G. rfltiew (A (Go I.
4. I. Osert. T. G.
P. of the Bode, R. pe. Dualdey. T.
itidin J. Reed-. 0, Mathew. Moult( A. Jame.
.1 J. Lima. I W. D. Ilturhys.
L. Hughes. Dad-. Shires. A.
Taylor (Mortriral fkpiertwierit), P.M.a IL Infirm Death. Bann. R. Talbot. A.
Pell Morrie. P. P. Ihresdon. seragg.
JOHN LEACH has juct purchased, from a Yorkshire Manufacturer, a stock of Carpets at very advantageous prices. We intend to pass the benefit on to our customers, and cordially invite inspection and comparison. Tapestry Carpet Squares from 3 gns. Brussels Carpets from 6 gns. Velvet' and Axminster Carpets from 7 gns.
Colours Greys, Blues, Reds, Greens, Fawns. TILE HEARTH SUITES at Reduced Prices. JOHN LEACH, 25, Market CREWE, Where the Good llousewites go. i BARGAINS IN NEW 811CONIX RAND Bromede Pow, Normal for oralioary PIANOS AND ORGANS. Vrsoroto for WA GREAT REDUCTIONS IN MGM (bah sr F.
cam. 1 .41, A loriAli ALL over the world, genuine New Zealand Butter is famous for its excellence. No other Butter made anywhere in the British Empire has quite the same delicious flavour, creamy richness, and sumptuous quality. To-day, at the Meadow Shop, you can get genuine, fir-t-grade New Zealand Butter for only per lb. Secure a supply for your own table.
It is a real and we are offering it at such a modest r.ce that the value you get is quite remarkable. Meadow Finest Jonial Bur per lb. I nnk in at the Meadow order a pound evi ry our 4 delicious iSPure Cocoa 16 4 parkat 00111 $ll ll 1 10 4 1414 10 10 P. i ta kepai. eeff Lout Shoes et STALL NO.
i 72 Branches throughout the Kingdoms. RICHARD JONES CO. SENSATIONAL OFFER. This Week we are Offering a Manufacturer's Stock of Rush Seated Dining Chairs (Ladder Back Design.) Offiwed In Seta at Spacial Low Pn DN to 0100... EACH SET COMPRISES 5 SMALL CHAIRS.
i ARM CHAIR. Soundly constructed of Seasoned Timber. Polished Jacobean Colour. EACH SET COMPLETE 5 RICHARD JONES Eastgate Street and Bridge Street. CHESTER..