Air-fryer chips (2024)


  • STEP 1

    To make straight, neat chips, peel the potatoes and trim away all the rounded edges so they become rectangular blocks. Cut the blocks into batons – they should be somewhere between fries and thick chips, as if they're too thin, they might break; too thick, and they won’t cook through (if you like, save the offcuts to make mash or add to soups). Alternatively, cut the unpeeled potatoes into chips without trimming, if you're not bothered by neatness. Rinse the chips and pat dry with a clean tea towel.

  • STEP 2

    Tip the chips into the bottom of an air-fryer (the part with the paddle), add the oil, and toss the chips in the oil so they are evenly coated. Program the fryer to cook for 30 mins using the paddle. After this time, check that the chips are tender and cooked through. If they're not, cook for a further 5 mins. Season well.

Air-fryer chips (2024)


Can I cook raw chips in my air fryer? ›

Rinse the chips and pat dry with a clean tea towel. Tip the chips into the bottom of an air-fryer (the part with the paddle), add the oil, and toss the chips in the oil so they are evenly coated. Program the fryer to cook for 30 mins using the paddle. After this time, check that the chips are tender and cooked through.

What temperature should I set my air fryer for chips? ›

Set a mandoline on the thinnest level and carefully cut potato into thin slices. Add sliced potatoes to a bowl of water and soak for 15 minutes. Pour out water, cover potatoes with fresh water, and soak for an additional 15 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for 10 minutes.

Why are my air fryer chips not crispy? ›

Why Are My Air Fryer Potato Chips Not Crispy? If your potato chips aren't crispy, it's likely because your potatoes were not completely dry before you started cooking, or you did not soak and rinse them long enough. Using too much oil could also make your potato chips less crispy.

Why do you soak chips before air frying? ›

Hairy Bikers Air Fryer Chips Recipe

To get that added crispiness, in this recipe Dave soaks the potato in salted water before drying and frying. This helps to remove the starch from the potato which will add to the crispiness once cooked.

How much oil to put in an air fryer for chips? ›

Cooking homemade chips in an air fryer is an absolute game-changer. All it takes is a single spoon of oil – finally, a healthy chip fryer! By blasting the potatoes with super-hot air from all directions, you get a perfectly even golden coat with delicious fluffy centres every time.

Can you air fry all frozen chips? ›

Cook frozen chips in the air fryer at 400℉ (200℃) for 10 to 20 minutes until perfectly golden brown and crisp on the outside. Can you cook frozen chips in the air fryer? Absolutely! Perfectly golden brown fries that are crisp on the outside and tender in the center; perfect for dipping and satisfying your craving!

How do you keep chips from getting soggy in an air fryer? ›

You can avoid this by thoroughly patting dry your potatoes before you place them in the air fryer. Secondly, you might be putting in too many potato chips so they aren't cooking evenly. You can have layers of potatoes, just make sure you give them a regular shake to toss them.

Do chips need to be in a single layer in an air fryer? ›

Spread the frozen fries in a single layer in the air fryer basket. To ensure that your frozen French fries cook evenly and become crispy, it's important to spread them out in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding the basket, as this can cause the fries to cook unevenly and become soggy.

Can you put tin foil in an air fryer? ›

Foil is safe to use in an air fryer so long as you follow three basic rules: never let foil touch the heating element; make sure the foil is weighted so it doesn't blow around the basket; and avoid contact with acidic ingredients, which can cause the foil to leach onto your food.

Do oven chips taste better in air fryer? ›

All in all, I am incredibly impressed with the chips cooked in the air fryer. Not only did they cost 31p less to cook, they tasted just as good, were just as crunchy, and was so easy to do.

How long does it take to cook chips in an air fryer? ›

Toss with the oil and sea salt until evenly coated. Tip into the basket, in a roughly even layer – you may need to cook them in 2 batches. 4. Cook for 20-25 mins, shaking occasionally, until well browned.

Do you add salt before or after air frying chips? ›

Oil: Use a neutral vegetable oil suitable for high heat. I use sunflower oil. Salt: Make sure to add the salt AFTER air frying. It does really affect the crispiness in this particular recipe.

Should I boil chips before air frying? ›

Golden crispy chips, cooked in the air fryer so they've got a nice bit of crunch, but they're soft in the middle. No need to soak the potatoes or par-boil. Just toss the potatoes in a little cornflour, oil and seasoning and they can go right in the air fryer.

Can you put raw food in an air fryer? ›

It is safe to cook raw meat in the air fryer if it is fully defrosted, seasoned, and monitored. Some fully cooked foods, including chicken tenders or fries, can be placed frozen in the air fryer. However, with raw meat, it's recommended to thoroughly defrost to allow more even cooking and a tasty final product.

How long do straight cut chips take in air fryer? ›

15 Minutes15 Minutes20 Minutes

Can you cook chips in air fryer without basket? ›

You can use an air fryer without the basket if you want to, but it's not recommended. The air fryer's basket allows for more even cooking so the food will cook faster and more evenly. When you use an air fryer without the basket. You can just place it on a large tray or plate and put some oil in it and fry the food.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.